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Healthy & safe preschool snacks

Simple, yummy lunchbox snack ideas that your littlies will devour – and you'll be satisfying childcare centre safe-food guidelines!


Safe snacking

Depending on what type of childcare your toddler attends, you’ll need to come up with snacks for them to eat at various breaks during the day. They need to meet food safety guidelines (no nuts or nut products, etc), be nutritious and healthy – oh, and of course delicious! Here are some great ideas…


Zucchini, carrot & ricotta loaf

Here’s a sneaky way to hide extra goodness your kid’s food – a cake with vegies! Squeeze the liquid out of the zucchini to make sure your loaf doesn’t end up soggy. To keep it fresh in the lunchbox, cut one slice in half and spread with butter or margarine, place halves together and wrap in plastic wrap.


Honey & sultana cookies

This yummy sweet treat is great for kids who might be lactose intolerant. It’s easy to make and great to eat. Click through for the recipe.



Yoghurt is a great snack as it contains vitamins and minerals essential for healthy bones and teeth. Plus, of course, it tastes great. Look for kids’ yoghurt with omega-3 DHA, to assist in eye and brain development, and those without preservatives and artificial flavours and low in sugar.


Pear & oatmeal yoghurt muffins

You can make a double batch of these and freeze them, individually wrapped in plastic wrap. Take out of the freezer the night before if it’s a morning snack, and if it’s an afternoon snack you can simply take it out in the morning and it will thaw out in a few hours. Click through for the recipe.



This brightly coloured, sweet, munchable snack is perfectly made to fit little hands and is just as good cold or hot. It doesn’t need to be buttered as it’s just as yummy without – plus you’ll avoid greasing up their lunchbox.


Crispbreads with cheesy, carrot & sultana filling

Kids love the combination of flavours and textures in these crispy, crunchy biscuits. Be sure to wrap them tightly in cling-wrap and get them put in the fridge at their daycare. Click through for the recipe.


Cheese, ham & corn muffins

These tasty muffins have plenty of protein and carbs, helping your child to maintain that healthy growth and keep them going through to the afternoon. If you can get away with it, a handful of baby spinach leaves or two will boost the vitamins and fibre in these muffins. Click through for the recipe.


Marinated tofu

Whether or not your kids are vegetarian, marinated tofu is a fabulous, easily chewed source of protein. You can buy pre-marinated versions in the supermarket and slimply slice them ready for preschool – obviously the bed of rice shown in this picture is not the best idea for a school snack!


Banana bran muffins

The hi-maize in these muffins gives them extra fibre. You can find hi-maize in the health food section at the supermarket or at health food stores. You can use another type of fibre if you’re having trouble finding it. Click through for the recipe.


Crunch & sip

This is a national program for schools and preschools to promote healthy eating and nutrition – the aim is to aid children’s ability to focus and learn. The break is only 10 minutes so send small portions of fresh fruit and/or vegies and a bottle of water.

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