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Teen sues parents over potty pics

“They knew no shame and no limit – and didn’t care whether it was a picture of me sitting on the toilet or lying naked in my cot,” the teen told media.

There’s been lots of debate around parents posting pics of their progeny, whether gorgeous or embarrassing, on social media. And we’ve seen some celebs go to all sorts of photographic lengths to ensure their littlie’s face is not seen on their own accounts.

Here is another reason to think twice before posting that hilarious photo of your child doing something that will haunt them forever – they may just take you to court.

It’s been reported that an Austrian teen is suing her parents for posting embarrassing childhood photos of her to Facebook without her consent.

The 18-year-old claims in court papers that her life has been a living hell since 2009 when her mum and dad began posting the images, including baby snaps showing her being potty trained and getting her nappy changed.

Her attorney, Michael Rami, accused her parents of posting 500 images of her on their Facebook page and sharing them with all 700 of their friends.

“They knew no shame and no limit – and didn’t care whether it was a picture of me sitting on the toilet or lying naked in my cot – every stage was photographed and then made public,” the suing teen told an Austrian newspaper.

Apparently her parents have ignored her repeated demands to remove the photos, believing that as they took the photos, they have every right to post them.

Her attorney predicts that predicted that the parents could have to pay for their daughter’s pain and suffering, as well as her legal costs.

A judge will hear arguments in the case in November.

Posting images of your kids on social media is a tricky topic. Some people’s accounts are filled with photos of their kids, or they set up special accounts just for the toddler (e.g. Roxy Jacenko’s daughter Pixie has 110,000 followers – but images of her copied and “doctored” earlier this year), others, like Star Trek actress Zoe Saldana will never reveal their kids in pics.

It’s important parents know that when they post an image online it’s very easy for someone to copy the photo, tag it, save it, or use it without the parents’ knowledge or consent. So if you must put up these images, check your privacy settings and turn off tour location settings.

The law changes everywhere too – in France, parents face jail time and a fine of up to $67,000 if they post pictures of their children without their consent.

Whatever your opinion about parents putting up pics of their kids on social media, the key is to keep your kids safe and the posts respectful. If your kids are old enough, talk to them about what you’re doing and question your own decisions about what your posting. Will your kids thank you for these later?

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