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School slammed for running ‘bikini body’ classes for 11-year-olds

Parents in the community were outraged.

The Ripley Academy in the UK issued a hasty apology to parents after the “sexualising” lessons were criticised by horrified parents.

“I’m all for kids enjoying and getting into fitness but enough of the sexualisation,” Mum-of-two Sarah Reeves told the Sun.

“The general thoughts among us all was that it was appalling. We agreed we ought to let our feelings be known.”

“It is something that I feel very strongly about. As a mum of a young daughter it is an area that scares me,” she said.

Sarah, who also has a seven-year-old son, continues: “It seems the world is one that is oversexualised, with celebrities, models and magazines all giving the image that girls should be skinny and wear little clothing – should they get this message from school too.”

The school has responded by explaining that the after-school classes were being run by a supply teacher without the permission of school principal Cary Ayres.

A spokesperson said: “As soon as we were made aware of these after-school classes they were cancelled as they did not reflect the values of the academy.

“We would like to sincerely apologise for any offence caused.

“At The Ripley Academy we do run a variety of extra-curricular activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle amongst all of our students and we would never condone any class, or after-school activity, that may put pressure on any young person in terms of their own body image.”

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