From the outside, it looked like Sandra Bullock was a woman who at it all, a loving son, an Oscar and a super-hot bloke who loved her – but there was room in Sandy’s heart for one more blessing.
This week, Sandra Bullock announced the adoption of her three-year-old daughter Laila and the whole world couldn’t be happier for her.
What we know about the 51-year-old is that underneath the accolades, the fortune and fame is a woman with a big heart who is smitten with being a mum.
“My family is blended and diverse, nutty, and loving and understanding,” the mum-of-two told People, “that’s a family.”
In her interview with the mag about her expanding brood, she laid down some home truths about her happy home, which was brought about thanks to her son Louis’ adoption in 2010.
“I have no idea what a traditional family looks like anymore. If a traditional home is one that is filled with lots of love and poop jokes, no sleep, schedule books filled with more kids’ social events than adults’ and lots of yelling over who touched who first, then I have a very traditional family.”
Take a look through Sandra Bullock’s motherhood journey, in her own words.

Nowadays Sandy always puts her family first, referencing her boy Louis as the main reason she decided to the Minions movie, “I wanted to make something my son could see and watch and enjoy, even though he doesn’t know what I do and he doesn’t know it’s me – I can sit in the theatre and watch him,” she told People, “Nothing makes me happier than hearing that boy laugh.”

In fact, Sandy only chooses movie roles if they suit her and her children’s schedule, “It [making a film] had to be something extraordinary that would be a life experience for myself and my boy because he comes with me.”

“Am I the mother my son deserves? And am I living my authentic life? Am I good enough, working hard enough? Am I able to keep my son safe? Did I pick up all the dog poop in the yard before the playdate?” The Oscar winner revealed her insecurities about being a mum to People.”

“I want him to be a good man who is good to women and is really in touch with how he feels,” the star said of her son five-year-old son Louis.

“He’s all boy, with a really tender heart,” Sandra told her pal Ellen about Louis – and you don’t have to look far to see where he gets that from.

It’s always going to be family first for the 51-year-old, who is dating photographer Bryan Randall. “It [a movie set] has to be a great time for my son. I can’t miss him. If I miss him, I will be of no use to you.”

During a speech at a high school graduation ceremony, Sandy offered up some advice on how she and son Louis stay positive, “[Louis and I ] turn on the music really, really loud before we leave the house, and the rule is you have to dance a little bit before you step out in the world because it changes the way you walk into the world.”

“Whatever comes our way, we handle as a family. It’s not just me anymore,” she mused in 2013.