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Dear Prime Minister, it’s time to let my mums marry

As ISIS and other terrorist organisations attempt to suffocate our world with fear and hatred, surely you are able to understand the importance and significance of legalising same sex marriage.

The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull, MP

Prime Minister

Parliament House


Dear Prime Minister,

My name is Gabrielle Stricker-Phelps and I have two mothers, Prof Kerryn Phelps and Jackie Stricker-Phelps.

In 2012 I wrote to former Prime Minister Julia Gillard to express my disgust at the fact that the federal parliament of Australia was yet to legalise same sex marriage. I alerted her to the fact that Australia was truly falling behind the rest of the Western World by upholding its discriminatory legislation, which denies same sex couples the right to marry legally in our country. Now I am writing to you because we have fallen farther behind other western countries in our policy regarding same sex marriages. You, as Prime Minister, have the opportunity to help our country to catch up.

I came to live with my parents when I was nine years of age and was adopted when I was twelve. This required the law in our state of NSW to be changed. They saved my life. It deeply saddens me to wake up every day to know that in this supposedly ‘equal’ country my parents are not treated equally purely on the basis of their sexuality. Unlike heterosexual couples, they are not given the opportunity to be married legally or to have their marriage legally recognised in Australia. In 2013 the federal parliament passed a law that made it illegal for anyone to discriminate against someone based on their sexual orientation. I find it extremely ironic this law was passed considering the current legislation prohibiting same sex marriage.

Many will argue that same sex couples have the same rights that married heterosexual couples hold when they obtain a state-based civil union. A civil union however does not actually provide homosexual couples with federal protections. This argument also fails to acknowledge the core principle that drives the marriage equality campaign…equality.

The pursuit of equality has been a cause of tension throughout the existence of humanity. As part of the mandatory Year 10 history course we learnt about changing rights and freedoms. We looked closely at both the Civil Rights Movement in America and changing Indigenous rights in Australia. My study has urged me to consider the way that stigma and unreasonable prejudice can be detrimental to all humans regardless of their race, nationality, gender or sexuality. I strongly believe that by the federal parliament blocking the same sex marriage bill from passing in the House of Representatives that our country is upholding discriminatory policy, which in turn is reflecting poorly on our nation’s human rights stance.

Further, I urge you not to solve this issue by offering the plebiscite which was proposed as a delaying tactic by Tony Abbott when he was Prime Minister. The inevitable public debate about the rights of same sex couple and families like ours would be potentially very distressing and damaging for many people. The matter can be easily resolved by a free vote in both Houses of Parliament.

Legalising same sex marriage would not only eliminate one of Australia’s last remaining discriminatory policies but also act as a symbol that our nation values love and acceptance. As ISIS and other terrorist organisations attempt to suffocate our world with fear and hatred, surely you are able to understand the importance and significance of legalising same sex marriage.

Kerryn Phelps, Ma, is a renowned doctor who aids the lives and wellbeing of hundreds of people each year. Jackie, Mama, was a teacher for twenty four years and dedicated that time to helping children to flourish in their education. She is currently the manager of their two clinics. You know both of my parents. I like to think they are huge assets to our community and it is plainly wrong to deny them of the most fundamental human right- that is the right to be treated fairly and equally.

Mr Turnbull, I am aware that you are a supporter of marriage equality. As the leader of this country I hope you will use your position to alter Australia’s current legislation regarding same sex marriage. As I told Ms Gillard, my parents have been fighting for equality in this country for a long time and they will definitely keep fighting forever. When their lives come to an end, should legislation not be changed by then – which I sincerely hope it will be- then I will continue fighting for their rights. It is time to end the fight against this discrimination.

I hope my wish and plea falls on your warm heart,

Kindest Regards,


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