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WOAH! See Sam Wood’s cheeky naked photo of heavily pregnant wife Snezana Wood

You've never seen a pregnant woman move so fast!
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Former Bachie Sam Wood’s wife Snezana Wood is about to give birth to the couple’s second daughter any day now, and it seems the adorable couple are getting up to some mischief at home in order to pass the time until their new baby arrives.

Sam just posted a very cheeky naked nude of his gorgeous wife, who is 39 weeks pregnant and says she due to give birth early next week, and we dare you to not have a little chuckle!

It seems Sam got a bit sneaky when Snez was trying to have some probably much-needed alone time in the bathroom, taking a pic of his stunning wife while she ducked into the shower.

And Snez did not seem impressed at all!

“You’ve never seen a 39 weeks pregnant woman move so fast!” Sam captioned the hilarious Insta story, posting a peach emoji to cover Snez’s modesty!

READ NEXT: See Sam and Snez’s amazing love story in pictures

In other news, how nice is their bathroom?

(Credit: Instagram)

This isn’t the first time the personal trainer has shared a naked pic on the ‘gram.

Back in April, Sam posted a photo of himself and his one-year-old daughter Willow, holding hands while fully nude on a Port Douglas beach.

Hundreds of Sam’s fans commented on the post, voicing their concern over what people close to Sam, who is also a step-dad to Snez’s daughter 14-year-old Eve, and his young family might think.

“Cool so now his teenage daughter and potentially her friends if they follow him r gonna see his ass lol imagine if that was our dad,” wrote one commenter, while another said, “This is confronting for a Sunday!”

Well, we can’t say this is toooo bad a view at all!

(Credit: Instagram)

But others saw the humour in the post.

“Well this is delightful 😂❤️,” wrote one fan.

Meanwhile, another wrote: “I came here to read all the comments from the fun police. Oh god you just can’t breath anymore. The world has gone mad. This is a beautiful but funny pic I love it. He is an amazing father for both girls!!!”

WATCH BELOW: Sam and Snez’s first dance at their wedding. Story continues after video.

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Snez and Sam fell in love after meeting on The Bachelor in 2015 and been inseparable ever since.

Along with Willow, Snez has another daughter, 14-year-old Eve, from a previous relationship.

In an interview with Now To Love, Sam opened up about his close relationship with Eve and revealed he absolutely thinks of himself as her father.

“I never call myself Eve’s ‘step-dad’,” Sam said. “I am Eve’s dad. That’s how I feel. That’s how I act.”

We cannot wait for this adorable family to meet their new addition!

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