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8 Weeks Pregnant: Your baby is the size of a strawberry

Two months into pregnancy and your medical appointments begin. Here's what else to expect this week.
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Your body

You can have your first antenatal check-up (or booking-in appointment) which will take place either at your GP’s surgery or at the hospital where you plan to give birth. If you have any problems such as morning sickness or worries about your pregnancy, talk them over now for reassurance.

What’s changing?

Pregnancy hormones have flooded your system and you may be experiencing full-blown morning sickness. Your uterus is now the size of an orange, you may feel some cramping and you might be struggling to do the button up on your jeans.

Give up some chores

As much as you love your cat, you should no longer be cleaning out her litter tray – otherwise you risk contracting toxoplasmosis, an infection that can be dangerous for your baby. Ditto gardening: the parasites also thrive in soil, so always wear gloves. And if you head out into the countryside for some fresh air, beware of lambs: harmless as they look, these little woolly babes also carry toxoplasmosis. Most people, especially those who have cats, already have immunity to the condition, so if you’re worried, ask your doctor to test you for it.

Your baby

Your embryo has now matured into a foetus, which means ‘little one’, has grown rapidly since last week and now measures between 8 and 14mm – the size of a strawberry.

What’s developing this week?

The outline of your baby’s face is now more apparent and the two halves of the face grow together and meet in the middle which is why you have two different profiles. The organs that have been developing up until now are starting to function: the brain produces its first impulses, the kidneys pass out waste and urine, and the stomach produces digestive juices.

Kick start

Although you can’t feel them yet, your baby is starting to make small, erratic arm and leg movements. These movements do have a purpose – your baby is practising to flex the limbs she’ll use once born.

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