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6 weeks pregnant: Get set for physical changes

Your body shows-off the first signs of pregnancy. Find out what's happening...
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Your body


Now you’ll be getting more signs that you are pregnant and in these early weeks these changes can be a little difficult to adapt to, both physically and emotionally.

Keeping abreast

Your breasts will already be growing in preparation for breastfeeding after the birth and may feel large, uncomfortable and tender. A network of veins will become more noticeable and the skin will look almost marble-like in appearance. The areolas (the dark, bumpy area around your nipple) darken and may get bigger. Buy a good support bra, but get properly measured for size for first.

Dealing with minor physical problems


You may have an increased vaginal discharge due to the increased blood supply and cervical mucus. Buy panty liners to contain the extra flow. An increased blood supply means your heart has to work harder to pump the blood round your body. As your blood pressure is lower during the first six months of your pregnancy you may feel faint if you stand up suddenly, so take it slowly when standing up.

Blame it on your hormones!

You may feel elated at being pregnant one minute and down in the dumps the next, worrying about your baby and what the future holds. These changeable feelings are completely normal and are caused by high levels of hormones and natural concerns about becoming a parent.

Your baby


Now about 2.5cm long, your embryo has a tiny, but fully formed skeleton, although at this stage it is still made of soft cartilage which later hardens into bone.

What’s developing this week?

The heart already has the power to drive the blood circulation around the body. The neural tube that will later develop into the spinal cord and brain is formed. The toes and fingers are now recognisable and elbows and knees have developed. The whole body is uncurling and straightening out. The eyes, which were placed at the side of the head, like a bird’s, have now moved to the front.

It’s all in the genes


Your baby’s physical characteristics are already well in place, thanks to the genes it receives from its parents. Some genes are more dominant than others and will determine characteristics such as your baby’s eye colour and whether it will be short or tall. Personality and intellectual characteristics are a combination of genetics and environmental upbringing.

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