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Navigating the supermarket with kids

With all the bright colours and exciting packaging, the supermarket can be an enticing place for young shoppers and marketers know all too well the influence of “pester power”. So how can you navigate the supermarket, avoiding the junk food and tantrums? It may not be impossible, in fact the following tips may help you to fill the trolley with healthy food and even keeps the kids happy and entertained:

  • Do most of your shopping along the walls of the supermarket: This is a good tip to follow at all times, but especially with children tagging along. The walls of the supermarket tend to contain the healthiest, least processed foods including breads, fresh vegetables and fruit, dairy products.

  • All hands on deck: Let your children know what you are looking for in each section of the supermarket and get them to help with spotting the different foods. If the children are looking for specific products they will be less likely to get bored and be distracted. This is particularly useful when picking fresh produce, as it is an opportunity for children to learn what different fruit and vegetables look like and how to select ripe, fresh foods. It may also make them a little more receptive to trying new things at dinnertime, especially if they have helped you to choose it.The best kids’ recipes from The Weekly

  • Keep children close at hand: Supermarkets may put products they think will be attractive to children on lower shelves in their line of sight and reach! Placing small children in the seat at the front of the trolley can help keep them away from temptation.

  • Treat the kids to something healthy: Grocery shopping can be a long outing for children, so there’s nothing wrong with giving them a treat, just make sure it’s a healthy option. Let them pick some of their favourite fruit, a low fat yoghurt or flavoured milk or soy milk as a healthy option. Shopping is also a regular outing, so it’s good to get in the habit of offering treats you are happy for your children to have frequently.Related video Future shopping: the way you shop is about to enter a strange new world with glasses boasting in-built computer displays and 3D wrap-arounds to entertain the kids while you browse. We take a sneak peek into the future of retail.//’); document.write(”); document.write(”); document.write(‘This video requires the Adobe Flash Player. Download a free version of the player.’); document.write(”); document.write(”); document.write(”); Msn.Video.BuildPlayer(msn_IP_uniqueName,{skin:”0″,bsbpg:””,mk:”en-au”,mkt:”en-au”,brand:”ninemsn”,fr:”inline”,ad:”true”,timePlaying:”180″,c:”v”,v:msn_IP_GUID,ap:”false”,t:”s275″,ch:”true”}); //]]>

  • Beware of chocolate-covered checkouts: Don’t let all the good work come undone when it’s time to pay. Most supermarkets have confectionary-free registers, so make use of these for a stress-free exit from the supermarket.

The best kids’ recipes from The Weekly

Related video Future shopping: the way you shop is about to enter a strange new world with glasses boasting in-built computer displays and 3D wrap-arounds to entertain the kids while you browse. We take a sneak peek into the future of retail.

While navigating the supermarket with children may look like an obstacle course, don’t forget that it’s also a great place to educate children and a valuable way to help them connect with the food they eat.

Your say: Do you find it difficult to do the food shopping with the kids? How do you make sure it’s not a struggle? Share your tips with other parents below…

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