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Mum’s desperate warning goes viral after baby blanket kills youngest son

We will relive the worst 6 hours of our lives for an eternity.
Mother and child blanket death

A mother’s desperate warning about baby blankets is going viral following the death of her seven-month-old son.

Jordan DeRosier is a young mother from Washington in the U.S.

In what can only be described as a waking nightmare, she found her son, Sloan, unresponsive in his crib late last week.

Jordan would later explain in a Facebookpost, “he was on his stomach with his beloved blankie around only his head. I yanked it off, touched his back and felt that he was ice cold.”

As if losing your youngest child is not harrowing enough, Jordan was then forced into sharing the full tragic circumstances of her youngest son’s recent death, defending herself against unwarranted attacks from anti-vaxxers online.

Her Facebook post, which has since gone viral, reads as follows:

“To those who keep commenting and messaging trying to blame vaccines for our sons death- stop. Initially I had not wanted to explain the detailed circumstances of his death because of my guilt and the fear of condemnation from others. But I will not allow anyone to try and place blame where it does not belong. “


Jordan’s heartwrenching post and important warning continues:

“He was last laid down to bed with this blanket made by his great-great grandmother, and one other blanket, a grey one he had been attached to since birth. They took the grey one he had been found with his head in.”

“He had pulled it through the crib rails somehow and gotten himself stuck in it. You never think it will happen to you. You never think it will be your baby.”

“Please do not put your babies to bed with a blanket. Please.”

“He was 7 months old, I thought because he was crawling, standing on his own, and climbing, that he would be fine with a blanket. This is the face of immense, unfathomable grief, the face of longing, of heartbreak, of self-inflicted GUILT.”

“I will NEVER stop feeling responsible. I will relive this for the rest of my life knowing EXACTLY what I could have done differently. Please learn from my world shattering mistake.”

Below is a followup post from Jordan, shared yesterday.

Sloan’s story is spreading around the world, which provide some small comfort for Jordan.

“Sloan’s story is reaching millions. I know ultimately what my post is doing is saving the lives of other babies. Sloan has done his job, his light shines on us all.”

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