Like many mums, Jessica Medinger is beyond proud of her son.
But unlike many mums, Ms Medinger’s pride comes from a different place – this place is watching her son bravely fight a cruel battle against leukemia for the second time in his short life.
Ms Medinger is so proud, in fact, that she took to Facebook to share the harsh reality of what her 10-year-old son is up against every single day.
And before you think that this is an image of a child dying, Ms Medinger asserts that this is a picture of “a child fighting”.
“The picture I’m posting is from this morning.”
“And before you scream and cry ‘Why would she post a picture of him in a pull-up? The indecency’… Well 1. It doesn’t show more than swimming jammers would and 2. Because life is not always politically correct and pretty, it is real. Life isn’t pretty, and cancer destroys a person.”
“This was this morning after carrying Drake to the bathroom. Yes, he is in a pull up because 75% of the time he can’t control his bathroom habits. This is skin and bones, because I have to beg him to eat ONE green bean for supper, or drink a cup of water throughout the day.”
“This is having your son sleep with you at night because he is afraid of something happening and being alone, and by something I mean dying.”
“This is having middle of the night conversations with a ten year old, asking if he dies will he go to heaven and will he see his dad there and be able to talk and play with him.”
“This is him being too weak to get out of bed or walk and needing to be carried or in a wheelchair.”
“This is him falling asleep as someone is talking to him, because he is too exhausted.”
“This is him, throwing up every medication I give him and him dry-heaving because his stomach is empty except for the spoonful of yogurt I just gave him with his pills.”
“This is him telling me, ‘Mummy, I’m not going to make it.”
“This is him and me, telling him that I will continue to fight for him when he can’t. This is him and me, and our world.”
“From the moment I found out I was pregnant till future forever, he has been my reason for life.”
“He is my smile, my love, my heartbeat. He is also my tears, my heart ache, my frowns. He is my life.”
Ms Medinger’s tribute to her son is one designed to celebrate and appreciate his strength.
Ms Medinger’s sister Ericka has started a crowd-funding initiative to help with paying for treatment-related expenses.
According to Drake’s family, he is doing well; he is no longer using a feeding tube and is even eating chocolate cake.
We are sending all our positive vibes and thoughts to Drake and his family.