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Mum pens letter to grieving parents of baby’s heart donor

“There's nothing I want more than for my son to live, but I hate that another child has to pass for that to happen.”

Little Lincoln was born seven months ago with a severe heart defect called heterotaxy.

His parents Mindy and Rob Seay were beginning to lose hope of their son getting a new heart but a miracle happened.

One arrived.

A doctor at Seattle Children’s Hospital told Mindy the good news and she was over the moon.

Telling Today.com, she said: “I was feeling every emotion possible all at once. I’m so happy and grateful that Lincoln gets to have a chance at life.”

Lincoln went into surgery on February 19 and remained in intensive care until last Wednesday. He was transferred to a new ward and will hopefully be discharged next week.

Mindy and Rob moved to Seattle from Alaska with their two sons, Canaan, 6, and Israel, 9, while their 16-year-old daughter Leilani stayed back because of high school.

Before she learned the news of her son’s new heart soon arriving, Mindy penned an emotional letter to the mother of the donor, not knowing if, or when, he would receive one.

“It was an idea that had been brewing in my mind since he was put on the donor list,” she said. “There’s nothing I want more than for my son to live, but I hate that another child has to pass for that to happen.”

She posted the letter on Facebook in hopes of helping others in similar situations.

“I want you to know that I will always have the utmost respect for the gift we will be given. I will treasure that heart more than I’ve ever treasured any gift. I will care for that gift to the very best of my ability and will be sure we always give reverence and respect to the child and family from which it came. We may never know you by name, but I will know you deep in my soul.”

She continued: “Your child and mine will be forever entertwined (sic) as the heart that grew in your womb now pumps the blood through the body of the child created in mine. They have merged in a way, and your child will forever live on in mine. When my child bleeds, I will think of you. When I bandage his scraped knee, I will think of you. When I hear his heart beat, I will remember you. When his eyes flutter closed as he falls asleep, I will remember your beautiful child. I will say prayers of gratitude and blessings over your family, often. I will treasure the gift you’ve given. I promise.”

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