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Three mums share how they get their daily fitness fix

Trying to juggle motherhood and an exercise routine? Read on...
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Exercise is one of the first things to go when you have a tiny human to look after 24/7; when you’re exhausted or when it seems like every minute of your day is accounted for.


But as these three mums prove the secret to exercise is to make it a part of your daily routine.

How do they do it? Spoiler alert: It involves getting up very early!

Wilda Fox

Wilda Fox is an Australian fitness influencer and vegan advocate with an amazing story.

After giving birth to her first child Harley in 2016, Wilda gained over 25kg of weight. Feeling “disconnected” both mentally and physically, Wilda started doing body weight exercises at home with her husband Matt, this is where their home fitness platform Bodyweight Built was born.


“My morning routine has become a really crucial part of my day. It’s probably the most important part of anyone’s day but is often overlooked. A good morning routine helps set up the day, put you in a good mind-set and prepare yourself for anything that comes your way.”

After the birth of her gorgeous boy, Harley, Wilda gained over 25kg. Body weight exercises were her go-to.


“I like to get up before my three-year-old son. This was something I decided to do, rather than let him dictate when my day started, I wanted control over it. So I will generally be up at 5:30am, where I drink some lemon water and do some light stretching and yoga movements.”

“By about 6am my son is up and as I have made his breakfast, I’ll do a Bodyweight Built workout in the living room or the backyard, which most of the time can be summed up by being a 30-ish minute workout that is relatively intense. By 7am I have done some yoga and a workout and showered.”


Wilda gets up at 5.30am for yoga and a Bodyweight Built workout. She then has time to hit the beach with Harley.


Around 8am its time for a walk and get Harley out of the house so he can run around. We walk, well I walk, he sits in the pram for about 25 minutes until I get to a café where I’ll have my morning long black coffee then head to the park next door and play with Harley.

After that it’s another 30 min walk back home by around 10:30am-ish and I have had a really productive, energetic start to my day!

Follow Wilda on Instagram: @wildaf


Lizzie Bland

Lizzie is not only a new mama to baby Rafferty, but a former professional ballet dancer, founder of fitness studio Lean Bean and a Victoria’s Secret trainer.

“Wake up around 5am (my alarm clock is now a 5 month old baby) but I’ve always woken up early as I go to sleep super early – around 8:30pm if I can!”

“I down a pint of water and brush my teeth. I don’t drink anything near bedtime because I was constantly running to the bathroom through the night so in the morning I’m pretty dehydrated.”

Former professional ballet dancer, Lizzie with her gorgeous boy, Rafferty.


“Brush my teeth and wash my face with cold water, I do this before breakfast because it instantly freshens me up if I don’t have time for a shower yet. When it comes to skincare, I have three asks – it’s got to be quick, easy and natural. With this in mind, I reach for my trusty bottle of RosehipPLUS Rosehip Oil every morning, slather it on my face and run, this is my all-rounder moisturiser.”

“At around 6:30am I’ll have porridge with blueberries and peanut butter or some avo on toast (with sautéed spinach if I can). I’ll usually have a second breakfast around 10am when I’ve got a break, as I need so much more energy than I did pre-baby!”

“I utilise the time my partner is at home so I can do laundry, dishwasher, clean the bathroom etc. I’m the kind of person that needs a tidy house and a made bed to function so I always try and make time for it. I know what you’re thinking – since when did 28 year olds get so boring?!”

Lizzie believes mums need to head outdoors she says it’s essential for mental health.


I charge my phone downstairs so I kinda forget about it in the morning. It’s normally a good hour before I get chance to check messages and post on the @leanbeanfitnessau insta. I’ll then FaceTime our family in the UK before they go to bed.

Get out the house. I’ll normally go for a dog walk with the baby and head to a cafe with friends if I’m not teaching, but if I’m teaching a class or private session, I’ll head to Bondi – usually with a baby on my hip and get to work! Being out the house is essential for anyone with kids for your mental health – Raf can’t talk and even though I love him more than life, it can get very boring. I’ll do a Lean Bean baby Mummas class for exercise if I’m in Bondi but if I’m at home in Paddington I usually do a Bean Online workout in the living room or head to the park for a power walk.

Follow Lizzie Bland on Instagram: @leanbeanfitnessau

Libby Babet

Celebrity wellness expert and former Biggest Loser trainer, Libby Babet, entered the health & fitness world after discovering she had chronic hypertension (blood pressure three times the normal level).


Libby reversed these numbers with a lifestyle overhaul and is now a mum to little Izzy, author, presenter and founder of BUF Girls, Chief Bar, Beauty Food and Nurture Her.

“Consciously choosing my first thought in the morning is something I’m really big on. I try to always remember that whatever I say after the words “I AM” is powerful, which is something I learnt from World Champion surfer, Layne Beachley.”

“This means words like ‘tired, busy, rushed, overwhelmed’ are no longer allowed to come after the words “I am” for me. These days I consciously choose to put something positive after those two words, reinforcing thoughts like, “I AM healthy and happy” or, “I AM fit and strong” or, “I AM energised to lead this workout” or, “I am grateful for my career/daughter/husband/lifestyle”, or “I AM going to prioritise my work effectively today”.”

“It’s a small thing, but it has huge impact on your day and the way you communicate with yourself and others.”


Former Biggest Loser trainer, Libby Babet with her daughter, Izzy.


“My alarm goes off at 4:30am and I’m typically teaching at my studio, BUF Girls, from just after 5am until around 8am or 9am. This means I need a ‘pre-breakfast’ before I teach and it’s literally always one of my own collagen based snack products, Chief Bar or Beauty Food.”

“They’re really light on the digestive system so I can workout at whatever level I need to within 30 minutes of eating them, and are also super satisfying because of the quality protein and healthy fats, so the bar fends off hunger until I’m ready for breakfast. This is literally the only snack food I would eat first thing in the morning because I know exactly what’s in it and that it will set my mood, hormones and metabolism up well for the day!”

“I’m a big believer in creating a movement culture and an outdoorsy theme for my life,” says Libby.


“Post-teaching, breakfast is always my biggest meal of the day, I’ll have a few eggs and sourdough on grainy bread with some avocado and olive oil, plus veggies like spinach or broccoli and mushroom. Or if I have my toddler with me, I’ll throw loads of frozen veggies, berries, coconut milk and nuts into my Vitamin and blitz up an awesome smoothie.”

“Lunch is pretty much always a colourful salad with some kind of whole carb like sweet potato or rice in it, and dinner is so random but almost always veggie based, as it’s quick and easy.”

“I’m a big believer in creating a movement culture and an outdoorsy theme for my life, so I try and check myself if I’m indoors or sitting down for too long – I don’t really do hardcore exercise and I don’t want anyone else to think that’s the only way to get it done! I walk and hike a lot, surf in summer, and in the gym I train multi-directionally with free weights and my own body weight, and dance around to the beat for cardio in my studio!”

Follow Libby on Instagram: @libbybabet


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