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Morley Family pregnant with twins!

The Weekly first met Floyd-Henry Morley and his parents earlier this year. Now this amazing family has some exciting news to share.
Morley family

Readers may remember our story about Floyd-Henry, a gorgeous baby born to parents Jade and Ross Morley.


Floyd-Henry was born with achondroplasia, a common form of dwarfism, and the Morleys talked lovingly about a) getting their heads around it; and b) how they would have his back, no matter what.

The response from readers was huge and it was obvious from the comments that flooded into our office that this baby boy was loved and his parents rocked.

Well, thereโ€™s some more happy news on the Floyd-Henry homefront, but perhaps weโ€™ll let Floydie tell it.

Floyd-Henry announces the exciting news.


Thatโ€™s right. Mumโ€™s pregnant with baby number twoโ€ฆ and baby number three! Here at The Weekly, we couldnโ€™t be more delighted for these amazing parents.

โ€œMany people may be wondering if there is a chance our growing twins will have dwarfism and the answer is very unlikely,โ€ Jade wrote on her blog. โ€œWe would have just as much chance as you would.

โ€œDwarfism does not run in our families, we are not carriers of a genetic trait,โ€ she said.

โ€œ[Floyd-Henry] has taught us and our families more in the last 15 months than any average height little boy could possibly dream of.โ€


Itโ€™s also Dwarfism Awareness Month โ€“ time to remember that Floyd can do anything you can do. Heโ€™s just small, thatโ€™s all.

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