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Milo isn’t as healthy as we thought! Nestle removes Milo’s 4.5 Health Star Rating

Nestle has had to drop Milo's high health rating because we're consuming it the unhealthy way - by the tablespoon.
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Terrible news for the parents, kids and budding sports stars of Australia: Milo isn’t as healthy as we’ve been led to believe!

Nestle has bowed to pressure from public health advocates and will be removing the 4.5 Health Star Rating from the powdered chocolate drink.

Health experts have critisiced the brand for “tricking” consumers into thinking Milo is healthy.

Milo’s high health-star rating was based on the guidelines that Australians consume just three teaspoons of Milo with a glass of skim milk. However, health experts and consumer group Choice suggest Milo powder on it’s own should receive a 1.5 star rating claiming people rarely consume Milo this way (Milo martini anyone?).

“To claim a health star rating by adding nutritionally superior ingredients of another product is not helpful, especially for people who eat their Milo with full cream milk, or even straight out of the can or on ice-cream,” said Choice’s head of campaigns and policy, Katinka Day.

“It’s a move that smacks of marketing trickery rather than a genuine attempt to help consumers make an informed choice.”

Nestle has been accused of manipulating loopholes in the Health Star Rating system, a scheme which many say needs revising.

“When people see a chocolate-based powdered product that is high in sugar carrying a 4.5-star rating, they rightfully question health star ratings,” said Ms Day.

“There’s the risk that consumers will turn away from a system that food manufacturers manipulate to their advantage.”

Nestle spokeswoman Margaret Stuart said the rating drop only applies to the Milo powder and all other Milo-branded products will retain the 4.5 Health Star Rating.

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