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Toddler: Little boy with one hand is taking Instagram by storm

14-month-old Oakley won't let anything stand in his way

A 14-month-old boy from Berkshire U.K. who was born with one hand is taking Instagram by storm, reports The Daily Mail.

Oakley Lynch was born with symbrachydactyly, a congenital abnormality that prohibited his arm from growing beyond his elbow.

And although his parents, Victoria and Greg, were shocked and worried when they found out about his condition at Victoria’s 16-week scan, they say Oakley has grown into an outgoing – and stylish! – toddler.

Taking to Instagram, Oakley seems more than happy to pose in the hip outfits his mum dresses him in, and has amassed over 17,000 followers that love seeing his adorable pics.

And despite Oakley’s posts predominately being about what he’s wearing – clothing stores now send him free clothes – Victoria says the Instagram account also displays what her son is capable of, as well as being a forum where people going through a similar experience can be involved in positivity.

“I think a lot of people who have children the same as Oakley really appreciate that we’re not always dwelling on the fact that he has one hand, it’s just a normal account of a little boy who happens to have one hand,” she said.

“He finds ways of doing everything. He’ll hold a book with his feet so he’s got one hand free to turn the pages and that’s something we haven’t taught him. He worked it out himself.”

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