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Three-year-old boy breaks down in tears after learning about homelessness

But he’s already started to do his part for the cause!
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An adorable three-year-old was moved to tears after learning about the homelessness problem in his hometown of Anchorage, Alaska.

Patrick McClung had overheard his mum, Destinee McClung, speaking on the phone about the issue and begun asking what she meant.

After explaining that some people do not have food or homes, Patrick became so overwhelmed with compassion and sadness that he started sobbing.

Explaining the incident on Facebook, Destinee said that Patrick was so upset he told her he didn’t want to have Christmas if other people didn’t even have houses.

“He didn’t calm down for over 30 minutes til his Grandma promised to help him bring homeless people food.”

Patrick and Destinee then started a drive to collect clothing, toiletries and food to deliver to local homeless shelters.

“I’d love to show my son the meaning of community and charity,” Destinee wrote on social media in a bid to inspire people to donate. “His heart is big and I want him to know he can change the world.”

Within a few weeks the pair had collected numerous bags full of donations, and Patrick had even started volunteering at a soup kitchen where his mum said he hands out desserts and talks to people.

“It really genuinely hurt his heart to kind of realise that there are people that go without,” Destinee told local news station KTVA.

And although she is undeniably proud of her son, Destinee also said she feels slightly guilty that he has taken on such a heavy burden.

“It’s a little bit like, well, he’s three. I don’t want him to feel he has to face the whole world.”

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