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Karl Stefanovic’s wife Cassandra Thorburn hits back, claims she’s not an “unhappy” stay-at-home mum

We all make the decision that works for us and I guarantee you I don't know any unhappy stay-at-home mums.

Karl and Cass split in September, after a 21-year marriage.

Former journalist Cassandra Thorburn is a stay-at-home mum who happens to be married to Today host Karl Stefanovic. She’d also like everyone to know that she’s a very grateful and happy mother who has decided to opt out of the work force to support the needs of her family.

Upon reading that, every other woman should throw a fist pump in the air and say, ‘Good for her!’ Because, it’s her life (and her family) and she can decide what is best for it. But in a recent open letter, published on Pop Sugar the 44-year-old mother of three took aim at working mothers who might judge her for giving up her career (perhaps not forever) to raise her kids.

“A journalist recently wrote about me with the headline, ‘This Is the Reason Women Should Never Give Up Their Jobs.’,” wrote Thorburn. “Reading it, I couldn’t help but wonder why she felt the need to try and make me, and thousands of other stay-at-home mums in Australia, feel like we had made a bad decision, when we know we have not?”

Karl celebrating ratings win with Today Show colleagues. PHOTO: Instagram

The article Thorburn was referring to appeared on news.com.au earlier in the week and it referenced Cassandra and Karl’s recent marriage split – as well as Today’s fresh ratings win which saw the breakfast show team celebrate at entertainment reporter Richard Wilkins’ lavish Bondi pad.

“As the photos began popping into my Facebook feed at the weekend of The Today Show team celebrating their ratings victory, I had a single thought,” wrote journalist Angela Mollard. “Karl Stefanovic’s wife is going to crack it.”

Karl Stefanovic and Cassandra Thorburn. PHOTO: Getty.

Cassandra seems to have taken offence to the article, a piece which she says also “suggested” she might have been under the influence when writing a Facebook post outlining her role in Today’s recent success.

“It’s such a shame that the biggest critics of women seem to be other women,” Cassandra lamented, adding: “If you did read the article I referenced earlier, I can guarantee you I did not write the Facebook post after drinking a bottle of red, as was suggested.”

The Facebook post saw Cassandra write that Karl’s job had taken “a huge toll on my family and I, and I’m congratulating myself today for all the effort that went into making that happen.”

“The suggestions, the story ideas, the constant counselling of questions for years,” she said. “I’m giving myself a pat on the back tonight, as I know many people will also know how much effort I put into it.”

She signed off by saying she was enjoying a bottle of wine sent to her by her Karl’s manager.

“Found a lovely tipple to cheers myself. Thanks for the red Sharon Finnigan SF Celebrity Management,” she posted.

Fair enough.

In the letter the mum also slammed any notion that she watches “daytime soaps all day” because she doesn’t have a 9-5 job. She talked about volunteering in the canteen every week because it was her way of supporting her community.

“I help at the school canteen weekly because I know many working mums can’t,” she wrote. “I’m home, so I do it for you and for my children.”

Adding: “Stay-at-home mums support each other. We don’t lunch every day, if that’s what you think. We are busy, we stay informed, we fulfil the needs of our family.”

But mostly, the former ABC journo seemed hurt that the there was a consensus out there that figured she, and others like her, were unhappy and at war with their working counterparts.

“We all make the decision that works for us and I guarantee you I don’t know any unhappy stay-at-home mums,” she wrote.

Outlining her own sympathies for busy professional mums Cassandra offered that there were wins and losses on both sides.

“We made a decision that is different to yours,” wrote Cassandra of mums who didn’t work. Adding: “I respect all working mums for the decision you made that was right for you. I only wish there was that same respect returned to stay-at-home mums.”

Cassandra also used the letter to address stories written about her since her seperation from Karl which was announced last month; her estranged husband is now believed to be living at mate James Parker’s lavish Bondi apartment.

“The media showed no interest in this stay-at-home mum for 11 years,” wrote Cassandra, “so kicking me now when I’m going through one of the hardest times of mine and my children’s lives seems very cruel indeed.”

Karl’s wife then finished her piece on a hopeful note, saying she hoped the judgements from other women would stop soon “so my daughter can make her own decision when she has a family and not feel like it’s a competition.”

Adding: “Wouldn’t it be wonderful for daughters to make the decision for themselves and not be judged for it?”

You can read the whole letter at PopSugar.

VIDEO: Karl Stefanovic apologises for transphobic comments on TODAY

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