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If you understand this internet lingo, you’re winning at parenting.

While the internet has all the answers, it often leaves parents with more questions when it comes to digital speak.
Mother and daughter smiling and embracing, with "Me Vs Mum" text above them.

Internet lingo decoded

They have eight children collectively, so when it comes to the internet and social media, Karen Bennett, Deb Hall and my own mother Tanya Brooks are partially in the digital loop. But when put to the test, can they really describe what Snapchat and hashtags are?




The verdict: While these mothers had some idea of the apps and terms deemed common knowledge by their children, not all three women could describe the terms exactly. Although some – excluding Deb Hall (sorry Deb!) – were close. So the next time your children bring up Vine at the dinner table, you’ll know it’s not of the grape kind.

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