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Husband spends life savings on wife’s unusual push present

Would you ever ask for this?

Kayleigh Mole wanted one particular thing for her push present more than ever, so of course her husband John wanted to give it to her – even if it meant spending all his life savings.

After giving birth to their second child, Kayleigh’s husband of 10 years spent $20,000 on a rather unusual gift – a full body makeover. We’re talking liposuction, tummy tuck, breast lift – the works.

But while it may seem odd, it’s what Kayleigh wanted and was the one thing that would get her self-esteem up to where she wanted it to be.

Over her two pregnancies, she gained 30kgs, according to The Sun and was so unhappy she didn’t want to look in the mirror.

“I was 23 but it was like I was trapped in an old lady’s body. I had so much confidence growing up but after having Niall when I was 20, my body was never the same. Just because I was a mum didn’t mean I didn’t want to feel and look sexy.”


She tried dieting and exercising, but that left her with saggy skin.

This is when John decided to splash out so that he could see his wife smile again.

He told The Sun: “I felt upset seeing Kayleigh so low and would have done anything to give her confidence. I was more than happy to pay for the transformation because I knew how much she wanted the surgery.”

After having the surgery, she’s happier than ever.


“My figure is way sexier,” she said. “I exercise at least four times a week at the gym to keep it up.”

“It’s all had a massive impact on my emotional and mental wellbeing – not just my appearance. I feel like a new woman and our family couldn’t be happier.”

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