As winter moves into full swing, and the nights get colder, what better way is there to warm up then to slip into some winter woollies? Whether it be a pair of thick socks, or a sweet pair of mittens, knitted accessories are sure to keep you warm in the depth of winter.
But why spend all that money on a mass-produced pair, when you could easily whip up a pair of your own? Thanks to knitting’s growing popularity (and the easy steps below), knitting is now easier than ever.
So, grab a couple of balls of yarn, puts some mellow jazz on in the background, and get knitting!
Make a slipknot for the first stitch
A. Make a circle with the wool. There will be two ends — the wool attached to the ball (working wool) and the loose end (wool length). Ensure the wool length has 18cm for every 10 stitches you will cast on to the 4mm needles.
B. Take the working end and loop it behind the circle so it looks like a little pretzel.
C. Put the needle end through the bottom half of the circle, behind the working wool.

D. Gently pull both ends below the needle — a loop will form on the needle. This is the first stitch.

Casting on the remaining stitches
E. Hold the needle with the slip knot in the right hand (left hand if you are left-handed), take the wool length and wrap it around the back of the thumb on the opposite hand.
F. Take the needle up through the centre of the loop around the thumb.
G. Wrap the working wool around the needle and draw through the loop on the thumb.

H. Pull both wool ends firmly to create a new loop on the needle. Repeat until the required amount of stitches are on the needle.

A. Hold the needle with the cast on stitches in your hand (or right if you are left-handed).
B. Push the right (left) hand needle through the first stitch, from front to back, ensuring the working wool is behind the needle going through. Wind the working wool under the opposite needle then over the top and backwards to form a loop.

C. Pull this loop through the first stitch.

D. Slip the first stitch off the left (right) needle and onto the opposite needle.

E. Repeat steps for each stitch.
A. Hold the needle with the cast on stitches in your left hand (or right if you are left-handed).
B. Push the right (left) hand needle through the first stitch, from back to front, ensuring the working wool is in front of the needle going through. Wind the working wool over the opposite needle then underneath to form a loop.

C. Pull this loop through the first stitch.
D. Slip the first stitch off the left (right) needle and onto the opposite needle.

E. Repeat steps for each stitch.

A. Knit two stitches.
B(1). Using the left needle (or right if you are left-handed) pull the first stitch over the second stitch.
B(2). Knit one more stitch so that there are two stitches again on the opposite needle.

C. Once again pull the first stitch over the second stitch.
D. Repeat this process until there is only one stitch left.
E. To finish, cut the wool, leaving a generous end (most patterns in this book recommend a certain length). Thread this end with a wool needle, pull the end through the final stitch and pull tightly.