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Is this the most honest pregnancy announcement? Ever?

This hilarious pregnancy reveal captures what so many of us may have thought but were too afraid to admit.

We’ve all seen those saccharine sweet pregnancy announcements. Some are set to music, others might just be a stylised picture of blue baby booties.

But here’s the truth – not everyone is totally over-the-moon thrilled to find out there’s (another) bun in the oven.

Look at this hilarious – and honest – photo that was posted on Reddit by sanepsychotic a couple days ago titled “My brother’s really happy pregnancy announcement”.

The kids expressions are priceless – and generated a fabulous discussion in the Reddit-sphere about being a middle child.

“That smug smile on the youngest kids face, he’s way too happy about becoming the middle child,” said one user.

“Middle child here. Can confirm. Am miserable,” was the quick response.

The users then went on to talk about the décor of the kitchen, the view and even the cost of the blinds. There was a huge amount of chatter about the benchtops and what they were made of – expensive custom granite or cheap faux stone?

The sibling of the happy expecting family has only gone back into the comments once during all of this to say that the family is from Utah in the US, in case you too are wondering (The AWW office were convinced they were Aussie).

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