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The adorable way Hamish Blake is documenting Sonny’s growth

This is the best thing since macaroni picture frames.
Hamish Blake with Sonny

Hamish Blake and Zoe Foster Blake sure love to poke fun at their toddler’s facial expressions, enthusiastic eating, “croissant” shaped legs and his general disinterest in most things.

But opening up on Friday’s Hamish and Andy Show, the radio host revealed the very sentimental project he’s been working on for his growing son, who’s soon to have a baby brother or sister.

“Whatever little scribble he makes, we will file away,” the 35-year-old quipped.

“I got very into the sentimental milestone seed planting for Sonny, who is now three,” he went on before revealing how his scribble collection came about.

“About three or four months ago, it occurred to us that he could see his name and he could pick up a crayon and make a pretty close approximation.

The comedian explained how Sonny was capable of spelling out the S and O, but struggled with the Ns and the Y. “He is getting closer and closer,” he adds.

“It occurred to me one day he will be able to write his own name, even though he can’t now, and I thought, ‘How do I capture the progression?’

“So I went and bought a deck of 500 index cards, a Sharpie, and every week we sit down, and whatever little scribble he makes we will file away.

“Over time, I can film them and put them together and hopefully the squiggles show the evolution of his handwriting,” he concluded.

While we’re used to seeing the funny side of parenting from Hamish, his latest comments come shortly after the duo’s tell-all interview with 60 Minutes, where he again showed a more sentimental side while explaining the way his life changed following the birth of the couple’s firstborn.

“Before Sonny came along I was probably – like a lot of first-time parents – selfishly worried about parts of life you give up but it just pales.

“When sonny arrived I just thought, ‘If I’m a dad, and that’s all I do for the rest of my life, I’ll be wrapped.”

And he expects baby number two will be no different, adding: “I’m just looking forward to falling in love.”

Click through the gallery below to see Sonny’s equal parts adorable and hilarious family album!

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