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Great Dane helps girl with genetic disorder walk

The gorgeous pair are best friends

For Bella Burton, an 11-year-old with Morquio Syndrome, walking has never come easy.

Born with the incredibly rare genetic disorder that affects bone growth and limits mobility, Bella has had ten surgeries and consistent physical therapy during her short life, and has always found it difficult to walk without the help of crutches.

But now, thanks to a Great Dane service dog named George, Bella is ditching her crutches and learning to walk by leaning on a dog that is twice her size.

“I had wheelchairs, walkers, Canadian crutches, regular crutches, and then we got George and I dropped my crutches and started to use him,” Bella told WCVB

Spending most waking (and sleeping!) moments together, the Great Dane goes everywhere with Bella, including busy school halls and classes.

“He knows what to do,” Bella said. “He knows where all my classes are.”

The difference in Bella’s mobility since meeting George last year has been significant. The vivacious youngster has been running around the playground and going on bike rides – activities deemed too difficult before the help of George.

“I lean on him like a crutch,” Bella told Fox News.

“If I fall, I tell him ‘Brace,’ which means he will stand and won’t even budge and I can pull myself up.”

“We walk together, we play together, he sleeps in my bed with me. He’s like my best friend.”

You can follow Bella and George’s adventures on Facebook

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