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EXCLUSIVE: TV’s cutest critic! Gogglebox’s Adam Densten and his wife Rachel have welcomed a baby girl

''The moment she got popped onto Rachel's chest and we all had our heads within 10cm of each other, that was probably the moment we realised we were a family.''
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Already showing signs that she’s following in her famous dad’s footsteps, Gogglebox Australia star Adam Densten and his wife Rachel Falconer’s newborn daughter Celia Kate arrived four weeks early on May 2.

“The Denstens are known for being a punctual bunch, so she’s clearly taking after me in that sense,” Adam, 31, jokes to Woman’s Day.

New mum Rachel, also 31, says she’s “definitely” hoping their little girl also inherits the sense of humour that’s cemented her husband as a firm favourite on the Gogglebox couch.

Meet the adorable Celia Kate!

(Image: Phillip Castleton)

After bringing their daughter home to their Melbourne townhouse, the past few weeks have been filled with firsts, but Adam says the most special was “the moment she got popped onto Rachel’s chest and we all had our heads within 10cm of each other, that was probably the moment we realised we were a family”.

And while Rachel reveals being cocooned in the newborn bubble has been “really nice”, Adam concedes the first days of parenthood have been “very stressful, too.”

“You’re trying to keep a human alive!” he says. “It’s like being given your driver’s licence and them saying, ‘OK, just go out and drive in peak hour,’ when you’ve never driven a car before. It’s a bit of a whirlwind but now we’ve settled into it a little bit more, we can actually enjoy it.”

“You’re trying to keep a human alive!”

(Image: Phillip Castleton)

The couple – who wed in April 2021– have also been lucky to have lots of help.

“Rachel’s parents live close by and are over every second day to lend a hand and my parents have been up to visit, too,” says Adam. “We’ve had friends drop over food and come over for cuddles.”

Adam’s Gogglebox co-star Symon Lovett, 31, is due to visit soon.

“He’s very excited to meet her,” says Adam.

Symon wanted the honour of being Celia’s godfather, but it doesn’t sound like he’ll make the cut. “We’ll just let him think that,” jokes Rach.

“Our life is just four-hour cycles now – a feed, a sleep, a nappy change.”

(Image: Phillip Castleton)

Meanwhile, Adam and Rachel are still getting used to their new titles of Mum and Dad.

“It’s like when you first get married, calling each other husband and wife,” says Adam.

Adjusting to little Celia’s schedule is a work in progress, too.

“Our life is just four-hour cycles now – a feed, a sleep, a nappy change.”

Speaking of changing time, Adam, strangely, says he loves the often-tricky task.

“One of my favourite things to do is change a nappy,” he admits. “There’s something quite satisfying about opening a nappy and there being a massive steamer in there because you know everything’s working well!”

Symon finally met Celia and he was totally smitten!

(Image: Phillip Castleton)

Adam’s soon set to get back to work himself, on season 16 of Gogglebox.

“We loved last season as much as we loved the very first season we did,” he says. “It’s always fun to hang out on the couch – it’s the easiest job in the world.”

But Adam’s yet to decide whether Celia will make a cameo as his cute co-star.

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