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Girl writes outstanding 6-page report asking her parents for a cat

If this is how far she'll go for a cat, we can't wait to see what this 11-year old will be doing in ten years.
cat spoil

We all wanted a pet as a child, but sadly not all of us were lucky enough to have a chance to own one.

And while most of us simply settled on accepting that fact, some people go above and beyond in their quest for pet ownership, like this 11-year old girl who wrote a 6-page report explaining why she should own a cat.

We all know cats make the best pets, for example, they actually like people a heck of a lot and cat lovers are insanely smart. So we’re not surprised at this kid’s commitment to the mission.

Romesa is a young lady living in San Antonio, USA, with her parents. She and her older sister Rimsha always wanted a cat, but when Rimsha moved away to study at college, and the girls were still catless, Romesa took the cat quest up to the next level.

When Rimsha returned home and found her little sister’s terrific efforts in the form of a 6-page document, she did what most of us would do in that situation – she tweeted it

Sharing the article online Rimsha was looking for the support of the internet to aid her sister’s mission… and she got it, in spades.


Speaking to Buzzfeed news, Romesa said she’s always been encouraged to write reports.

“I thought I would write a report about a cat because that’s what I really want.”

A highlight of the report includes her inclusion of religion into her argument:

“Prophet Muhammed always fed cats and helped them out, because he knew they were kind and clean animals.”

Not to mention how the move would effect society at large in the subsection titled, Cats need our help:

“So many cats die everyday because they are homeless, abused or neglected by their owners. I recommend we get a cat from a rescue shelter so we can save a cat’s live. Cats need us.”

No word as yet if the efforts have convinced her parents to by the poor girl a cat, but we’re certainly rooting for her.

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