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Five energy-boosting tricks to try while your toddler is napping

From cold showers to crazy cat videos, we’ve got just the ticket to help you feel more wide awake while your little one takes a nap!
Chrissy Teigen cooking

Try cooking up a storm like Chrissy Teigen to boost your energy levels.

As a mum, moments of peace and quiet can be few and far between, and nap time may be your only chance to tick off all the things on that (never-ending!) to-do list.

But it can be just as important – if not more – to use that precious time to take care of yourself.

With these easy energy-boosters, you’ll feel more productive, alert and attentive by the time your little one stirs (plus, you now have a legitimate excuse to watch cat videos!).

1. Take a nap yourself

Why should kids have all the sleep? Naps have been shown to boost energy, productivity, and cognitive function. Just 20-30 minutes is all it takes for a restful and refreshing powernap. If you let yourself sleep for longer than that, you risk falling into a deeper cycle, meaning it’ll be harder to wake and you’ll probably end up just feeling worse. If you’ve hit the jackpot with a solid little sleeper, go for 90 minutes so that your body has time to complete a full REM cycle, as it’s believed to increase creativity – which could prove useful come story time! However, if you’ve been having trouble sleeping at night or your nightly sleep habits are out of whack, sleeping during the day can just make things worse. No matter how hard it might be, skip the ZZZs and go for one of these other energy boosters instead.

2. Sweat it out

There are a number of easy-to-follow video tutorials and apps specially designed to help you do yoga anywhere, including the living room. Our pick? Yoga Studio, which at $5.99 is a fifth of the price of one class at some studios, and you can use it as often as you like, with no other pesky in-app purchases needed. Clear some space, roll out a mat or towel, and prop up your smartphone or tablet so you can clearly see the easy-to-follow instructional videos. If you’re a beginner, it’ll guide you through the essentials and illustrate each pose (so you’ll know cat pose from cow pose in no time). As you work your way up, you can take a ready-made class or simply add your favourite moves together to form a go-to routine of your own.

3. Unleash your inner MasterChef

It goes without saying that food is one of the most effective and sustainable ways to feel more energised. Skip the chocolate and go for foods with lean protein, iron, magnesium, B vitamins and complex carbs, which have all been proven to increase energy levels. Some quick and easy snack ideas include peanut butter on a whole-wheat cracker, a handful of almonds, or a yoghurt or hummus dip – these will also help regulate your blood sugar levels and keep sugar cravings in check. If you have a little more time and effort up your sleeve, try a spinach or kale-based salad with salmon, lean meat or tofu. Quinoa, brown rice, beetroot, pumpkin and sweet potato are all great energy-boosting additions, but whatever you have in the fridge will do too!

4. Keep your cool

It’s been reported that taking a cool or cold shower can stimulate the nervous system and increase blood flow, as your body pumps blood to try to regulate your body temperature. Sure, it won’t be the most joyful experience, but one thing’s for certain; a sudden blast of cold water (whether to the face or whole body) can make you feel more alert and help stave off mid-afternoon drowsiness. And it may be the only shower you get to take uninterrupted by the kids!

5. Laugh out loud

Studies suggest laughing can boost energy, reduce stress and blood pressure and aid with sleep—reason enough to watch a funny cat video (or 10) and have a good ol’ giggle!

Brought to you by Karicare+ Toddler

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