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Fun fitness for pregnancy

Take your pregnancy health plan beyond power-walking with these safe, strengthening exercises fit for all trimesters

Take your pregnancy health plan beyond powerwalking with these safe, strengthening exercises fit for all trimesters.

Start in table top position then bend one leg to 90 degrees with foot flexed. Switch on glutes and core and lift bent leg so bvase of foot reaches towards ceiling. Pulse for 8-15 reps then lower leg and repeat on other side. Aim for two sets on each leg.

Start in table-top position, shoulders and head in line with body, bellybutton to spine. Lift and straighten one leg and opposite arm; keep hips square and back flat. Hold for 10 seconds then swap. Repeat on both sides.

Start kneeling, forearms on ground, with elbows in line with shoulders. Raise knees to straight legs. Keep head in line with with shoulders, bellybutton to spine and squeeze glutes. Don’t allow lower back to dip. Hold for 10 seconds, relax and repeat. Work up to 45-second holds.

Hold resistance band above head, with arms wider than shoulders. Squeeze shoulder blades together, pull and stretch band down behind head in line with neck. Keep elbows at 90 degrees then release. Two sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Sit on ball with feet together or slightly apart, back straight, head up and draw bellybutton to spine. Arms by side, raise dumbbells to shoulder height, squeezing shoulder blades together, then return. Two sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Place hands on wall slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Angle body in a plank and draw bellybutton to spine with straight back. Facing forward, bring chest almost to wall then push back up. Aim for two sets of 10 to 15 reps.

Wrap band around stable object. With feet parallel and hip-width apart, lower down into a gentle squat. Squeeze shoulder blades together as you pull band towards you. Keep arms bent 90 degrees and elbows in, then release. Two sets of 10 reps.

Sit on ball or stand in squat or staggered stance. Draw bellybutton to spine with straight back. Start with straight arms next to body then curl, either alternate or together, keeping elbows in. Aim for two sets of 10 to 15 reps.

Please consult your physician before starting fitness training. Exercises by antenatal fitness advisor Samantha Docherty.

First published in Pregnancy & Birth magazine.

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