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Em Rusciano just gave one of the realest parenting confessions and we’re cheering

''I was apprehensive about doing this...''
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With 3am feeds, dirty nappies plus all those tears and tantrums (not always from the kids), parenting can be a tough gig at times.

And no one knows this more than funny lady Em Rusciano, who on Monday night made one of the realest confessions about parenting.

For anyone who’s looked at her and thought that age old thought, ‘I wonder how she does it,’ this mum-of-three has some refreshing news for you.

Filming herself from her bathroom on Monday night, the former 2Day FM radio host who welcomed her son Elio in January posted a video to Instagram captioning it, “Live from my dunny: an apology. I didn’t plan it out, I look tired, but I think you’ll get it.”

“I was apprehensive about doing this because I don’t really put it out there anymore because I don’t like the mean comments that come because I’m sensitive,” the mum-of-three said.

“But I received a few messages today saying ‘I don’t know how you do it, I’ve just had a baby the same time as you, I can barely leave the house,’ and me making them feel bad and I’m very sorry if that’s what’s happening but I want you to know how hard I am finding it at the moment.”

Em issued an apology to her followers via a video to her Instagram account.

(Image: Instagram @emrusciano)

The comedian and musician went on to say, “I don’t put on my Instagram stories that I was up five times last night, I don’t put on there that I cried on the way to rehearsal, that I’m worried no one’s going to come see the show, that I’ve put so much into this thing that I’m worried I’m failing my older kids as a mother, that I’m not being a good wife, that I’m not really there with the band so I just wanted to assure you that I am struggling if that makes you feel better, I hope it does.”

“In the interest of telling the truth and not just showing the shiny things, there you have it.”

WATCH: Em Rusciano takes time off to mark the day she was supposed to give birth to her late third baby. Post continues…

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This isn’t the first time we’ve been cheering for Em this week after she jumped to the defence of Purple Wiggle Lachlan Gillespie, who shared a photo of himself wearing ex-wife and Yellow Wiggle Emma Watkin’s signature yellow bow, while holding up a sign stating, “Boys can be Emma.”

“I couldn’t love this any harder if I tried,” she wrote on Instagram.

“I love it so much I want Beyoncé to adopt it and raise it in the manner it deserves! Boys CAN BE Emma Wiggle!! Of course they can!! Good on you @lachy_wiggle – this is a good and wonderful photo.”

Emma Wiggle’s original post copped a lot of hate and controversial comments and Rusciano later edited her caption.

“This is about little boys being encouraged to have female role models! Regardless of their sexuality. Teaching boys to look up to and respect women instead of seeing them as something to own and control will go a long way.”

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