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Dying mother pens letter to daughter for every one of life’s milestones

Every one of these that I get to hand out in person will be an accomplishment.

It’s a devastating fact of life that one day we will leave this earth and leave our children behind but for some that time feels like it comes far too soon.

Heather McManamy is a mother who is suffering stage 2 breast cancer and received a heartbreaking terminal diagnosis in August last year – a time when her 4-year-old daughter Brianna was barely out of nappies.

“It’s in my liver, my bones, my skull, it’s everywhere,” Heather told ABC news. “I’m in my fourth round of chemo — nine in total.”

But the 35-year-old – who lives in McFarland, Wisconsin – is determined to be present in those milestone moments of her daughter’s life, even if she won’t physically be around to see them happen.

Since her devastating diagnosis Heather has been writing greeting cards to Bri to pass on messages of love when she’s gone.

“I did them from when she’s older or younger – random encouragement, bad day, wedding, driver license, even first breakup,” Heather told ABC News. “Every one of these that I get to hand out in person will be an accomplishment.”

For months now Heather has been penning the letters where she gives her daughter loving advice, shares jokes and like any mother wants to do – impart wisdom on to her baby.

“My husband and I have been together for 13 years and we have a really special relationship,” she said. “I see Bri’s awesomeness as a personification of our love. She grew up with mommy having cancer as normal, but she’s so happy and hilarious. That kid loves to dance and shake her butt. She’s a special, empathetic kid and she really cares for other people.”

Heather has also created videos too so Bri can watch them when she is older and see how much her mum loved her.

Heather says she hopes that her cards and mementos encourage other parents to leave things behind for their kids to cherish long after they are gone.

“I don’t care what she does in her life,” she added. “I just want her to find her happiness. Life is short. If she’s true to herself, everything will be OK.”

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