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Dads want more paternity leave and flexible working hours

90 per cent of dads say a child changes their career goals.
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Early parenting is a wild experience. For new mums and dads, the joy of seeing your newly arrived baby goes hand-in-hand with tremendous upheaval in almost every aspect of your life.

In the first weeks of life with a newborn, fathers can often feel left out. While mother’s develop a close bond with bub – especially if breastfeeding – Dad may wonder to contribute.

To feel involved he can assist with bathing, changing and settling bub after a feed. It’s important dads have this time and the ability to take paternity leave with their new baby.

According to research from global job site Indeed, findings show having a child changes the way that men view their careers. After becoming dads, they want more paternity leave and more flexible work arrangements.

The study found that the average company offers 18 days of paternity leave, which is 8 days above the Dad and Partner Pay government minimum where partners receive two weeks paid leave at the current gross national minimum wage rate of $740.60 per week.

Despite this, 44 per cent of expecting fathers are concerned about the amount of paternity leave offered by their employer, with almost half (45 per cent) are concerned about whether they could take additional time to what their company offers for paternity leave.

It’s no wonder dads want more time off to spend with their precious little bundles.

(Image: Getty Images)

Nearly two thirds (64 per cent) also worry about whether they’d be able to work flexible hours.

When it comes to returning to work after paternity leave, almost half of those surveyed (47 per cent) suggested that the biggest motivation was benefits for them and their family.

More flexible hours (41 per cent), a supportive boss/manager (41 per cent), a clear career path (31 per cent) and an ability to work remotely (29 per cent) were the other most common motivators.

The results clearly show men want this special time with their family.

According to survey results 29 per cent of dads want the ability to work remotely.

(Image: Getty Images)

How dads can help while on paternity leave

Here are some of the ways partners can lighten the load for new mums.

  • Let your partner know how much you appreciate her.

  • Encourage her to have rests.

  • Take over the day-to-day running of the home.

  • If it’s possible and she wants it, organise extra help for when you’re not around.

  • Make sure your partner is comfortable and has all she needs at breastfeeding times.

  • Limit visitors and the length of their stay in the first few weeks.

  • Don’t ignore your feelings – experts have discovered that men also suffer from postnatal depression, and it happens more often than you might think.

If you feel down, talk to your GP, or contact Beyond Blue or MensLine Australia.

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