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CONFIRMED! Cyrell Paule and Eden Dally are having a baby boy

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Wishes do come true. Well, at least in Cyrell Paule and Eden Dally’s case they do, as NW has been told the couple are expecting a baby boy – which is what they’ve been praying for!

“Cyrell did a blood test during one of her recent doctor’s appointments to find out the sex,” reveals a close friend. “She’s so happy. Eden doesn’t know, though – he still wants it to be a surprise.”

It hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing for the couple since they shared their baby news.

READ NEXT: EXCLUSIVE: Cyrell and Eden set the record straight on their “fake” romance

They’ve faced outrageous claims that they’re faking the pregnancy just to stay relevant.

And last week Cyrell, 30, came under attack for not knowing the basic facts about childbirth after she asked her Instagram followers if pregnancy lasted nine or 10 months.

“I don’t need to be criticised for something that is all new to me,” she says. Hear! Hear!

The pair have confirmed the due date of their bundle of joy is February 2020.

(Source: Instagram/cyrelljimenezpaule)

Meanwhile, the pair surprised fans last week with their sudden pregnancy announcement.

Many sent the pair well-wishes, but it appeared Cyrell’s family were less than thrilled.

“Cyrell’s family are very religious and traditional, so having a baby out of wedlock was never going to go down well with them,” a source close to the couple told Woman’s Day.

“Cyrell’s family are very religious and traditional.”

(Source: Instagram/ivan23paule)

“Ivan [Cyrell’s brother] has pulled Eden aside and given him a stern talking to about doing well by his sister and putting a ring on her finger before the baby arrives.”

Cyrell is reportedly reluctant to have another major celebration, after only walking down the aisle with MAFS’ Nic Jovanovic in front of TV cameras less than a year ago.

“Once the baby is born, there will be a big wedding,” the source reveals.

For more of our exclusive, pick up this week’s issue of NW, on sale now!

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