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Answer to better sex lives is in child care duties

“In nearly every case, compared to having the female partner doing all the child care, we found that couples who split it equally had better outcomes across the board.”

Calling all parents out there. Want better sex lives?

The answer may be in the child care duties.

The Washington Post today reports on a new study which says that couples who “share child care responsibilities” in a more-or-less equal way are having better sex.

“In nearly every case, compared to having the female partner doing all the child care, we found that couples who split it equally had better outcomes across the board,” said Dan Carlson, a sociologist at Georgia State University tells The Post.

The duties include nappy changing and reading bedtime stories to playing with the kids outside.

“Egalitarian couples fought less. They had higher quality relationships. They were more satisfied with their sex lives, and they were more satisfied with the amount of sex they were having.”

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