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Coping with being a new mum

Becoming a mum can be very hard work, with tough days as well as happy ones. Don't worry if you find it harder than you imagined - you're not alone!
coping with a newborn

Stressful days and nights with your new baby are inevitable, but donโ€™t let these feelings take over your life. You may find that you have โ€œflashpointsโ€ where something really gets to you. But these experiences are perfectly normally the key to keeping them under control is working out how to avoid them.


Help yourself

  • Try not to feel too bogged down by the responsibilities of motherhood, or be too hard on yourself. If youโ€™re struggling, ask for help: talk to your partner, baby health nurse or doctor.

  • Ease the pressure on yourself by accepting that your baby will cry sometimes for long periods at a time but that this doesnโ€™t make you a bad parent.

  • Itโ€™s important to get enough rest and sleep, so try and get into the habit of napping when your baby does. If you find this difficult, playing a relaxation or self-hypnosis tape could help.

  • Donโ€™t be afraid to ask friends or relatives to take the baby for a while so you can get some rest or just some time away from her.

  • Try to keep things in perspective this wonโ€™t last forever, we promise!

  • Becoming a mum doesnโ€™t have to mean giving up your old life completely: set aside half an hour every day just for yourself. Read a book, make a few phone calls, paint your nails or have a relaxing bath.

  • Remember to make time for your partner as well โ€“ you both need love, support and understanding at the moment.

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