We all know that typically itโs us mums who are the primary carer for the kids. But did you know that when we go back to work full-time, we are losing around 60 per cent of our gross income.
A report by AMP and the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM), reveals that the escalating costs of child care, combined with the loss of government benefits and tax increases, hit mums pockets hardest.
While mums that work part-time lose just 45% of their pay, itโs those part-timers who decide to go back full-time who lose the most โ a massive 75%.
Childcare costs have increased almost 80% in the last 18 years, with long day care costing up to $170 a day, and more of us depend on paid for childcare โ around 25% today compared with just 13% in 1996. Itโs not surprising that the vast majority of mums (60%) rely on family and friends to look after their children while they work.
There are now around 42% of mums with kids in child care in the part-time work force and 29% in full-time work.
Childcare costs have increased more than most other household bills including petrol, education and health costs. Only tobacco and electricity price increases were higher.
The problem is the more a mum works, the more benefits they lose and the more tax they pay, making the cost of childcare increasingly unaffordable.
Childcare affordability facts
1.3 million children attend child care
1 in 4 children under 5 are in formal, paid child care
Grandparents make up 23% of child carers
There has been a 77% increase in the demand for child care since 1996
Child care costs have increased 44% in the last 5 years