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‘Instagram vs Reality’: See Carrie Bickmore’s hilarious social media post about being a mum

Aussie mums are cheering Carrie Bickmore's latest candid Instagram post about life with a newborn.
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Scroll through Instagram and 99.9% of the time you’re faced with a never-ending stream of highly edited and beautifully styled images – beautifully coiffed new mums wearing bikins moments after giving birth, happy families, all laughing and perfectly turned out.

And at first glance, this post from Carrie Bickmore appears to be no different. But the TV host, who gave birth to her third child in December, posted two photos, which she cleverly captioned “Instagram vs Reality”.

First up, we see a gorgeous pic of Carrie relaxing on her outdoor sofa with two-month-old daughter, Adelaide. It’s styled and stunning. But swipe right and you’ll see the gritty, less pretty (but still so beautiful) truth – and mothers everywhere are totally relating.

And Carrie wins the Internet for today with these duelling pics. (Source: Instagram)

Carrie captioned the image: “INSTAGRAM versus REALITY… 1st pic was taken on a flattering angle, with some props, some casual hand positioning, some clever cropping and a nice little filter added. The 2nd was the real moment captured without my knowledge a couple of weeks after Adelaide was born before I woke up and suggested we take a nice shot.”

The post was flooded with likes and comments, praising The Project host for keeping it real:

“I love that you are so raw and real! Sincerely a first time mum who is definitely the picture on the right,” comments one fan.

“You are a total legend for posting both xxx real life,” writes another

“We can definitely relate, finally someone shows what it really looks like!”

Adorable Adelaide is two months old – but it’s not been such an easy ride for mum and bub. (Source: Instagram)

Carrie is known for being refreshingly honest on Instagram, recently sharing how tough she’s found parenthood, third time around and offering some wise words of support to other mums.

She captioned a recent pic: “I think it’s fair to say the past 9 weeks have been some of the trickiest of our parenting life. Reflux, feeding challenges, little people dealing with the new world order, school holidays, did I mention school holidays, sleep deprivation, the list goes on but we are getting there.

She continued: “Dad’s been amazing, kids have been incredible, and mum’s been a bloody rockstar. Who said the third child was easiest!!

“Thank you to all the people who reached out on insta and reminded me to stop and sniff her little head, stare into her eyes, cuddle her and enjoy the middle of the night feeds because it goes so fast. It really does. If you are in the middle of it all yourself, you are not alone.”

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Carrie and her husband, Chris, welcomed baby Adelaide into the world in December, 2018. The new arrival joins three-year-old sister Evie and big brother Oliver, 10, who is Carrie’s child with her late husband Greg Lange.

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