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Bride finds mum in groom’s old photo

This was definitely a sign from the universe.

Sometimes coincidences can seem like they’re something more, like it’s a sign from the universe.

When this Chinese couple were putting together a wedding album, they pulled out a photo of the groom 15 years ago and were stunned to realise that in the background was actually the wife’s mother!

Hedong Zhang was 14 when the photo was taken, and to make this freaky coincidence even more amazing, the bride Yiqin Lu even had a photo of her mother taken in the exact same spot and same day!

The couple did some digging and found that the Zhang and Lu’s mum were actually on the same tour bus to visit the site.

We guess it really was meant to be!

Lu told Hangzhou Daily: “My husband said, ‘Although we didn’t know each other then, the skies must’ve planned this for us 16 years ahead of time.’”

“With this incredible story, we’ll cherish our love even more.”

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