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Ways to boost your chances of having a boy or girl

These methods might help. Maybe.

Why do you want a girl or boy?

“Women feel they’ll be able to relate to a girl far better than a boy,” says Julia Berryman, a senior lecturer in psychology. However, Julia also notes that all-girl families tend to be bigger than all-boy families. And she suggests that this indicates that couples continue to try until they have a son. Research has also found that men are keener than women to have sons, which is all down to the idea of a ‘son and heir’.

Choosing sex to prevent disease

When hereditary diseases are sex-linked, medical science can help to determine the gender of your child. Muscular dystrophy is one of several hereditary diseases that is carried by girls, but only affects boys. In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is available in cases such as this. Your eggs are fertilised outside your body, then the embryos are tested to determine their sex, before being replaced in your uterus (womb).

I want a boy!

Before even having sex, your partner can increase his sperm count by wearing loose-fitting trousers and sponging his scrotum with cool water, which is good for making boy babies. When it comes to doing the deed, you and your partner should do it doggy style, and you should try and climax first. The best time to have sex is just after ovulation.

I want a girl!

Have sex face-to-face, with shallow penetration. Don’t have sex if you have any sign of slippery vaginal mucous. You should try not to climax this will make sure your vagina is acidic, which is right for making girl babies.

When it comes to timing, make sure that you have sex every other night until ovulation is due, but abstain 24 hours before ovulation. Having lots of sex is good for producing girls, too.

Should I try douching?

Douching your vagina (squirting liquid into it) is believed to help improve its condition, making it either more alkaline (better for boys), or more acidic (perfect for girls). Buy a douche bag from your chemist, but be careful when you’re using it.

  • Boy: try 15ml bicarbonate of soda to 600ml lukewarm water

  • Girl: try 15ml white wine vinegar to 600ml lukewarm water

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