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Best pregnancy and parenting quotes from the movies

Here are the best parenting and pregnancy quotes from our favourite chick flicks to help turn you on (or off) of having a baby.
Drew Barrymore

Baby Mama (2008) hits the right notes for lots of mums and mums-to-be, when a career woman (Tina Fey) organises for a low-class gal (Amy Poehler) to be her surrogate.

Best quote

Caffee Bicknell: (Sigourney Weaver) “Our surrogacy fee is $100,000.”

Holbrook (Fey): “It costs more to have someone born than to have someone killed.”

Bicknell: “It takes longer.”

Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore’s 1995 romantic comedy in which Samuel (Grant) finds out his girlfriend is pregnant and has to deal with the issues that come with being an expecting father.

Best quote

Rebecca (Moore): “Sam! My water broke!”

Samuel: “Well, we’ll get you another one.”

2007’s Ellen Paige’s Oscar nominated role of a 16 year old high school student Juno, is faced with an unexpected pregnancy.

Best quote

Mac (Juno’s father): “You’re pregnant?”

Juno: “I’m sorry… if it is any consolation I have heartburn that is radiating in my knee caps and I haven’t taken a dump since like Wednesday… morning.”

The 1987 film starring Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg and Ted Danson, where three bachelors find themselves forced to take care of a baby left by one of the guys’ girlfriends.

Best quote

Michael (Guttenberg): “She did a doodle; your turn to change her.”

Peter (Selleck): “I’ll give you a thousand dollars if you’ll do it.”

Richard E. Grant plays Jack whose wife Sarah dies in child birth. With the help of a novice nanny, Jack learns to raise his infant daughter, and to love again.

Best quote

Sarah (Imogen Stubbs ) [wakes up in labour]: “Jack, I want you to say calm, but I want you to take me to the hospital please.”

Jack: “The hospital, what’s wrong are you ill.”

For Ben Stone (Seth Rogen), the party animal, the last thing he ever expected was for his one night stand (Katherine Heigl) to show up on his doorstep eight weeks later to tell him she’s pregnant. (2007)

Best quote

Ben Stone: “Oh yeah… It’s a girl. Buy some pink shit.”

The life of super-yuppie J.C. (Diane Keaton) is thrown into turmoil when she inherits a baby from a distant relative.

Best quote

J.C.: “I can’t have a baby because I have a 12:30 lunch meeting”

2001, Drew Barrymore plays Beverly, a single mother who has a son at the age of 15 in 1965 and goes through a failed marriage.

Best quote

Beverly [to her 6 year old son Jason]: “Remember, I am your mother, and that means you’re not allowed to stay mad at me.”

John Travolta and Kirstie Alley’s classic 1989 film of baby Mikey’s (Bruce Willis) experiences of entering the world and looking for a suitable dad.

Best quote

Mikey (Willis): “Put me back in! Put me back in!”

The Coen Brothers 1987 film with Nicolas Cage and Holly Hunter, where a convenience store bandit (Cage) and girlfriend (Hunter) discover she’s unable to get pregnant, they kidnap one of the town’s celebrated quintuplets and hit the road.

Best quote

H.I. (Cage) [aiming a gun at the store clerk]: “I’ll be taking these Huggies and whatever cash ya got.”

Thinking of having a big family? Steve Martin in the 1989 hit Parenthood may give you some hints of the troubles ahead.

Best quote

Karen (Mary Steenburgen): “He likes to butt things… with his head.”

Nathan (Steve Martin): “How proud you must be.”

The (2007) story of an unhappy waitress who is devastated to learn she’s pregnant to her abusive husband so she falls for the new doctor in town.

Best quote

Dr. Pomatter (Nathan Fillion): “I want to talk to you, somewhere outside of here. Maybe we can have a coffee or something?”

Jenna (Keri Russell): “I can’t have coffee, it’s on the bad food list you gave to me. What kind of doctor are you?”

Control freak Zoe (Jennifer Lopez) wants a baby but has no man in her life so she conceives twins through artificial insemination, only to meet the man of her dreams on the very same day.

Best quote

Dr. Scott Harris (Robert Klein): “I have a feeling you and CRM-1014 are going to make beautiful babies together.”

17-year-old and pregnant Novalee Nation (Natalie Portman) is abandoned by her boyfriend on a road trip to California. With only $5.55 in her pocket, she secretly lives in a Wal-Mart until her daughter is born six weeks later.

Best quote

Lexie Coop (Ashley Judd): “Novalee, I have 5 children. Everything is an inconvenience. Mind if I drive real slow on the way home? I’d like to pretend it’s a vacation.”

A sweet tale of suburbia starring Kevin Bacon and Elizabeth McGovern, She’s Having a Baby (1988) looks at the realities and responsibilities of growing up before the arrival of a newlywed couple’s firstborn baby.

Best quote

Kristy Briggs (McGovern): “Promise not to get mad? I stopped taking the pill over two months ago.”

Father of the Bride Part II (1995) sees Diane Keaton fall pregnant to husband Steve Martin – at the same time their daughter announces that she’s pregnant too.

Best quote

George Banks (Martin): “Now, going to the movies, that’ll be economical: one child, two seniors, thanks.”

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