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Best foods to start your day

Starting the day with the right foods is essential to living a healthy lifestyle.

Starting the day with the right foods is essential to living a healthy lifestyle.

Starting the day with the right foods is essential to living a healthy lifestyle.

Not only do these healthy choices kick start your body giving you the energy to get up and go, they also help you feel good and positive about the day ahead.

Try these energy boosting foods that will get you on your way to a vibrant healthy lifestyle!

Fruit for breakfast is a no-brainer! But if the thought of another apple or banana is doing your head in, then why not make some juice? Experiment. Mix the juice of your favourite fruits, or throw in some seasonal vegies. The health benefits are enough of a reason to have this food group at the start of the day. Try our [Mixed vegetable juice](http://womansday.ninemsn.com.au/food/everydayrecipes/8122298/mixed-vegetable-juice|target=”_blank”)

Fruit for breakfast is a no-brainer! But if the thought of another apple or banana is doing your head in, then why not make some juice? Experiment. Mix the juice of your favourite fruits, or throw in some seasonal vegies. The health benefits are enough of a reason to have this food group at the start of the day. Try our Mixed vegetable juice

With smoothies you can combine your favourite fruits with dairy. Milk is packed with calcium, Vitamin D, B12 and A and is important not only for healthy bones and teeth, but general well being. And drinking a breakfast smoothie on an empty stomach means all that goodness is digested more easily. Try our [Banana and berry breakfast smoothie](http://womansday.ninemsn.com.au/food/everydayrecipes/8122300/banana-and-berry-breakfast-smoothie|target=”_blank”)

With smoothies you can combine your favourite fruits with dairy. Milk is packed with calcium, Vitamin D, B12 and A and is important not only for healthy bones and teeth, but general well being. And drinking a breakfast smoothie on an empty stomach means all that goodness is digested more easily. Try our Banana and berry breakfast smoothie

A good cereal can be a great meal at breakfast. A lot of cereals have too much sugar, but if you choose wisely and find one high in fibre and low in sugar, salt and saturated fat, then you’re off to a good start. Always check the nutrition information panel, or make your own. Try our [Bircher muesli](http://womansday.ninemsn.com.au/everydayrecipes/8122258/bircher-muesli|target=”_blank”)

A good cereal can be a great meal at breakfast. A lot of cereals have too much sugar, but if you choose wisely and find one high in fibre and low in sugar, salt and saturated fat, then you’re off to a good start. Always check the nutrition information panel, or make your own. Try our Bircher muesli

Like milk, yogurt has too many health benefits to ignore. Not only is yogurt a rich source of calcium and protein, but it can lower cholesterol. It contributes to colon health and will boost immunity. It also aids healing after intestinal infections, so is often recommended after a course of antibiotics. Try our [Berry, yogurt and muesli parfait](http://womansday.ninemsn.com.au/food/everydayrecipes/994488/berry-yogurt-and-muesli-parfait|target=”_blank”)

Like milk, yogurt has too many health benefits to ignore. Not only is yogurt a rich source of calcium and protein, but it can lower cholesterol. It contributes to colon health and will boost immunity. It also aids healing after intestinal infections, so is often recommended after a course of antibiotics. Try our Berry, yogurt and muesli parfait

Eggs pack a punch in the nutrition stakes. They are loaded with high-quality protein and fat, both of which keep you full after you’ve eaten. And you can eat them a heap of ways — scrambled, poached, fried, hard-boiled or as an omelet. Team them with your other favourite foods. Try [Salmon Benedict](http://womansday.ninemsn.com.au/everydayrecipes/8122289/salmon-benedict|target=”_blank”)

Eggs pack a punch in the nutrition stakes. They are loaded with high-quality protein and fat, both of which keep you full after you’ve eaten. And you can eat them a heap of ways — scrambled, poached, fried, hard-boiled or as an omelet. Team them with your other favourite foods. Try Salmon Benedict

Toasted bread is an easy way to start the day. Not only is it cheap and easy to prepare, but it’s filling and contributes fibre and protein to your diet. Deciding which bread to eat can be confusing, but the best are wholegrain and wholemeal. Or try sourdough: many experts say this is the best when it comes to metabolism and blood sugar and insulin levels.

For a delicious treat, pancakes and pikelets can be the way to go. You can make them as healthy, or as unhealthy, as you like. But the most nutritional are those made with whole wheat or buckwheat flour. Adding flaxseed will also increase the overall fibre content of the dish. Try our [Coconut ricotta pikelets with tropical fruit salsa](http://womansday.ninemsn.com.au/food/everydayrecipes/997359/breakfast-coconut-ricotta-pikelets-with-tropical-fruit-salsa|target=”_blank”)

For a delicious treat, pancakes and pikelets can be the way to go. You can make them as healthy, or as unhealthy, as you like. But the most nutritional are those made with whole wheat or buckwheat flour. Adding flaxseed will also increase the overall fibre content of the dish. Try our Coconut ricotta pikelets with tropical fruit salsa

Muffins are also a great way to start the day. There really are an endless number of possible combinations to make tasty and nutritious varieties, which can be sweet or savoury. Up the nutritional content by adding fresh, frozen, dried or pureed fruit or vegetables. Try our [Banana, date and pecan muffins](http://womansday.ninemsn.com.au/food/readersrecipes/996409/banana-date-and-pecan-muffins|target=”_blank”)

Muffins are also a great way to start the day. There really are an endless number of possible combinations to make tasty and nutritious varieties, which can be sweet or savoury. Up the nutritional content by adding fresh, frozen, dried or pureed fruit or vegetables. Try our Banana, date and pecan muffins

Many of us swear that our morning caffeine hit is the ideal start to the day. And coffee in moderation is not a bad thing. In fact, recent studies have shown that coffee can lower depression, lower the risk of prostate and skin cancers and protect you from Type 2 diabetes. What more do you need to know?

And if tea is your thing, not coffee, then you’ll be heartened to know that this little beverage has been shown to have amazing health benefits. Not only can it build bone strength, but also lower cholesterol and help with weight loss. Green and white teas, rich in antioxidants that protect against cancer and heart disease, also help fight allergies.

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