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Baby brings new joy for family who lost children in MH17 disaster

Maz and Rin Maslin who lost three children in the MH17 disaster have announced they’ve given birth to a baby girl.
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Maz and Rin Maslin — the parents of children Evie, 10, Otis, 8, and Milo, 12, who perished in the MH17 disaster have announced they’ve given birth to a baby girl, Violet.

“Violet May Maslin came in to the world on Tuesday 10 May, bringing with her love and light, hope and joy.

“Our family was torn apart when MH17 was blown out of the sky by the violent anger of a nationalist missile, on July 17, 2014. Our three innocent, beautiful and inspiring children were killed, alongside their grandfather, Nick Norris.

“We believe that Mo, whose 14th birthday was Saturday, Evie, 12 next week, Otis, 10 next month, and Grandad Nick have sent us an amazing gift. Violet’s birth is a testament to our belief that love is stronger than hate.”

Baby Violet

Their three children were on the MH17 flight travelling home from a holiday in Amsterdam with their grandfather, Nick – Mrs Maslin’s father.

The plane was shot out of the sky, with all those on board perishing.

It was by a twist of fate that Maz and Rin weren’t on the same flight – they had decided to stay back in Amsterdam for a few extra days.

The Perth parents flew home after hearing the horrific news that they’d never see their three children again. After attending a memorial service for their children and said in a statement at the time:

“Our children were taken from us by a war in which we, and our country had no part.”

“It is impossible to understand the reason they were blown out of the sky.”

“Our love and respect for our children remains unlimited and unconditional. It will never weaken – our children have been our entire world.”

“We have been two of the luckiest and happiest people on the planet. What remains for us now is to honour our children.”

“Our lives are an ongoing hell. The pain we are enduring is unfathomable, and we grieve alongside families in the Ukraine, the Netherlands, Russia, Malaysia, Australia and elsewhere.”

“Please respect our children’s memory, and stop this pointless war.”

“Love, only love, it is all we have left.”

The Malaysian Airlines plane was destroyed above eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, killing 298 people, including 38 Australians.

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