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Baby born in under a minute

“It was just one push and the whole lot of Lucy was out. Gravity just took over. It’s just crazy! I was amazed.”
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Every pregnant woman dreams of a quick and easy birth, but for Jessica Stubbins, childbirth really was as simple as one big push.

The Assistant Manager from Scunthorpe, England, brought her baby into the world in less than a minute. And the entire feat was captured on CCTV.

The new mum could not even make it inside the hospital, so fast was her labour. Between the time her husband dropped her at the hospital entrance and found a parking spot, he had became a father.

Stubbins told the Daily Mirror that the quick-delivery was a surprise to everyone.

“I could feel her coming and she just popped out like a champagne cork. It was just one push and the whole lot of Lucy was out. Gravity just took over. It’s just crazy! I was amazed.

“She was just coming. There was no stopping her, there was no time to sit down.”

Her husband, Tom, said he couldn’t believe he missed the entire experience despite being only a few metres away from the action.

“Jess was saying ‘It’s a girl it’s a girl, I’m sorry, I’m sorry’ because I’d missed it all,” he told Good Morning Britan.

“She felt guilty because I’d missed it and I was just in absolute shock.”

Both mum and bub are doing well. They’ve certainly got a story they can now share for many years to come!

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