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25 things only Inner West mums will understand

Where the eff is the Magic Yellow Bus, y'all?

Hang on. There's just a plane flying overhead.

  1. Your baby has no problem going to sleep to the sweet sounds of planes and trains, but wakes up every time the bloody phone rings.

  2. It didn’t seem possible, but you’re totally able to raise a family in a house basically built for ants. Oh, you’ve got two dogs, too.

  3. When you step out of the house, your toddler instinctively asks if you’re going to get coffee.

  4. Because obvi, that means babycino for them.

  5. And don’t even think about forgetting that marshmallow.

It’s all about the babycino

  1. Your children will grow to have a healthy fear of and respect for the majestic and grand bird that is the ibis.

  2. You know exactly where the Magic Yellow Bus is every day of the week and you goddamn live for it.

  3. You know seven kids called Edie.

  4. When your friends tell you about their “houses” in the suburbs, with their “spare bedrooms” and “media rooms” and “multiple living spaces” and “hallways” and “backyard” you smile and die a little inside. #keepthedreamalive

  5. Your kid knows their way around every house you go to, because apparently it was the law that every terrace have exactly the same blueprint. And only one bathroom.

  6. Petersham Park = Pig and Pastry. Johnson Park = Sideways. Enmore Park = Petty Cash Cafe. Yep, you know all the parks by the cafes that sit alongside them. Thank God.

  7. Your kids enjoy seeing the “wildlife” at Marrickville Markets. If you count ponies as wildlife.

  8. Your toddler’s on a first-name basis with the homeless dude in the park.

  9. Your kid will grow up knowing exactly what it’s like to have a Greek/Macedonian/Italian/Maltese grandmother, even though none of your relatives are Greek/Macedonian/Italian/Maltese.

Burgers and BBQ anyone?

  1. You have no problem taking your kids to the Oxford Tavern for an early Sunday dinner.

  2. When a new daycare centre opens, you’re more excited and relieved than when you saw your newborn child for the first time.

  3. You can reverse park like nobody’s business.

  4. Redfern Station may as well not even be there, because there’s no elevator. #thankgodfornewtown

  5. You’ve bumped into Murray from The Wiggles at the Enmore and you’re definitely more excited than your kids would be.

  6. No fence along THE RIVER at Steel Park? It never even occurred to you.

  7. You see a house going for $1 million and you can’t quite believe it’s real. It’s so… cheap!

  8. You can never be sure if it’s your baby crying… or the neighbours’.

  9. Your toddler starts breastfeeding his/her dolls in public, without a care, because that’s what other mums do, right?

You’ve got a few copies of this, right?

  1. Your kid has been given at least three copies of Alphabetical Sydney, and every time you read it, your heart beats that little bit faster when you see Summer Hill mentioned.

  2. You know that yum cha is the best place for a screaming kid. Plus, they serve alcohol! #ilovetheinnerwest.

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