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Hilarious cake fail embarrasses mum but makes for an excellent 21st story!

Should be a happy birthday!

We all know how crazy things can get in the lead up to a big party, and as one busy mum recently found out, one misplaced comma can make for a hilarious mistake.

In a hurry to get a cake ready for her son’s 21st, Teresa Ward text messaged the cake maker explaining what the icing inscription should read.

“Should add the message should be happy 21st Stefan,” Teresa, who is from Glasgow, wrote.

Taking the message – which was missing a comma after the word ‘add’ – quite literally, the cake maker inscribed, ‘Should be happy 21st Stefan”

“When I picked up the cake and saw those words on it I thought it was odd but I didn’t realise it was the exact phrase of my text message,” [Teresa explained.] “I just thought it was some Jack Daniel’s slogan that I didn’t get.”

Sending a picture of the cake to her son, Teresa thought he would be able to explain the slogan, “but he rang me up laughing – he thought it was hysterical.”

“So my mum told the girl that was making my cake for the writing to be on it “should be happy 21st,” Stefan posted on Facebook. “Think she took it a wee bit too literally.”

“It was probably all my fault to be honest,” Teresa said.

“I was rushing and I suppose I got a cake with exactly what I asked for written on it so I can’t complain. The cake turned out to be lovely too, so there are no complaints there.”

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