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Plus-size and androgynous models star in fashion campaign

Plus-size and androgynous models star in fashion campaign

In the age of the perky, perfect Victoria’s Secret model, women who look like Michelle Calderon and Casey Legler are virtually invisible in the fashion world. But not anymore — denim brand Diesel has eschewed typical models in favour of Michelle, Casey and 18 other people of different shapes and sizes for its latest ad […]
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Woman pulling man by his tie at desk

How not to lead men on in the workplace

Trying to avoid unwanted male attention in the office? Imagining your grandmother is in the room during interaction with colleagues of the opposite sex is one way. Not wearing anything revealing and learning to accept compliments “gracefully” are also said to work a charm. Although sounding like this advice comes from some 1950’s etiquette manual, […]
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Colour coded

Avoid squabbles in the bathroom by giving each child a matching coloured facewasher and toothbrush. That colour then becomes the child’s own and she won’t use anyone else’s.
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Photo collection

Photo collection

Write each of your children’s names on a brown paper bag and put into it any of their photos that don’t make the family album. In years to come, you’ll have a treasured selection of pictures to give to each child on a special occasion, such as a 21st birthday.
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Paste a puzzle

Older toddlers enjoy simple, homemade jigsaw puzzles. Paste a magazine picture onto cardboard and cut it into pieces the child will be able to assemble. Use more complicated shapes for older children.
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Bunches of balloons

As a cheaper alternative to helium balloons for children’s party decorations, blow up ordinary balloons and stick them to walls and ceilings with double-sided sticky tape.
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Board game tip

A game of Snakes and Ladders played with young children can be a long drawn-out affair, as anyone who has played with them will testify. Use two dice – it moves the game along more quickly and teaches them about adding up.
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Dressing barbie

Some of the Barbie dolls’ clothes are very tight-fitting and difficult for little children to get on and off. Sprinkle the doll with talcum powder and the clothes will slip on easily.
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Longer legs

Overalls that have become too short for your child can be lengthened with knitted cuffs in one plain, one purl rib sewn to the bottom of the legs. They look cute and also give extra warmth.
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