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Feline friction

Question: We have two cats, Khloee, two years, and Kahlua, nine weeks. Khloee was recently stolen and dumped far from home and I believe they mistreated her as well. She was terrified of all humans when I got her back. We have recently got another kitten for Khloee to play with but she hasn’t really […]
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Discover daikon

Discover daikon

Question I bought some white radish from the supermarket, I have never seen it before. Can you please give me some ideas on how to eat it? It looks like a big white carrot. J. Petrolo, Warranwood, Vic Answer White radish is also known as daikon (a Japanese word meaning “large root”) and is a […]

Beating the heat

Question: We have a big, hairy breed of dog who is really feeling the heat of summer. We give him plenty to drink and he has lots of cool, shady spots to sit in during the day. He doesn’t like the water and won’t lie on a wet towel. How can we help him beat […]
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Grooming your pet

Grooming your pet

By Lucy Hine Grooming your pet can certainly be a drama, particularly if your cat or dog wasn’t trained or handled very often when they were younger. Understanding your pet’s needs regarding hygiene and cleanliness is the first step to ensure your pet remains healthy and happy. Cat owners often watch with wonder at how […]
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Creating an underwater world

Creating an underwater world

By Lucy Hine An aquarium is a soothing and relaxing way to calm stress levels after a busy day at work. Purchasing an aquarium makes sense, as fish and aquatic life are known for their therapeutic qualities and are one of the most popular pets purchased in Australian households. Aquariums range from basic fish bowls […]
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Man phobia

Question: Ever since I have had my lab de-sexed she doesn’t like men. The vet that de-sexed her was a male and since then, when a male comes up to pat her she gets very scared and barks. She is not like this with women. Is there anything I can do? Jessica Answer: She may […]
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Question: My sister recently bought an adorable fluffy white Poodle Maltese cross puppy. However, within about four weeks of having her, the poor little thing got two ticks and was terribly ill and nearly died. Now my sister is too paranoid to take her out and won’t let her anywhere near any grass when she […]
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Barking problem

Question: My dog has just turned one year old and she has a barking problem. We have tried all sorts of discipline and she still doesn’t learn. She is a very yappy dog, which obviously gets annoying very quickly. What strategies could we use to stop our dog barking? Amy Answer: Firstly you need to […]
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Scared dog

Question: My eight-month-old Labrador is frightened of the vacuum cleaner and the lawn mower. I have tried giving her treats while the noise is occurring but it has not helped. Strangely, she is fine with other loud noises such as thunder and trucks. She is a guide dog puppy and I am concerned that these […]
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Which breed?

Question: I am a 70-year-old lady living alone and am considering buying a female Dogue de Bordeaux for company and security. Would appreciate your comments. Leigh Wilson Answer: The Dogue De Bordeaux, also known as a French Mastiff, has been used over the centuries as a guard and hunting dog, so they do indeed make […]
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