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By the time your children reach Year 12, they will have spent nearly 14,500 hours at school (12 years of 40 weeks a year, five days a week, six hours a day), so it’s best to make sure their schoolyard is a stimulating environment, with flowers, grass, leaves and trees.

Not only is gardening fun for children, it’s great exercise and an excellent way to learn where fruit and vegetables come from. Schoolyards can be places where children learn the basics of botany, zoology, physics and cooking, from how to grow their own vegies to how to make olive oil.

Schoolyards are also places where kids can be active. Children find it hard to concentrate when they haven’t been “de-bounced” – put simply, they need physical play or they fidget.

Your say: What are your ideas for school gardening projects? Have you seen any brilliant school gardening projects? Tell us more at [email protected]

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