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Gardening jobs for July

  • Mooch around your garden before breakfast and see where it’s coldest, where frost has gathered, or where there seems to be a sunny, sheltered patch. Most gardens have these “microclimates” – cold spots where bulbs may thrive, warm spots where heat-lovers will thrive.

  • Warm yourself up with some heavy work in the garden – dig a new bed for spring planting, or good big holes for shrubs.

  • Use plastic tree guards to shelter young plants from cold winds – even recycled bubble-wrap can make a good tree guard.

  • Move any shrubs that are in the wrong spot.

  • Check that dahlia tubers are well covered with soil – big tubers can break through the surface and will rot.

  • Have your lawn mower serviced – don’t wait until spring to find it won’t start!

  • Keep pruning deciduous trees and shrubs.

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