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A Day in the Life Of… Gardener and Marks

The Weekly's Hande Renshaw caught up two women who have turned their obsession with collecting into a career.

Interior decorators and best friends Lyn Gardener and Amanda Henderson-Marks are avid collectors and have a keen eye for design.

We caught up with the pair to discuss their recent venture, Gardener and Marks, a retail store and design service located in Melbourne, filled with irresistible eclectic homewares products.

How do you typically start your day?

“Amanda picks me up at around 9.00am,” says Lyn. “The first thing we do is always discuss the plans for the day then head off to our suppliers – sourcing for the shop and clients followed by client meetings. Sometimes these days take us out to the country sourcing at markets or country antique centres,” she says.

What’s the first thing you do when you get into work?

“Mondays we are out and about. We meet with suppliers, clients and rest of the week we are in our Gardener and Marks store chatting to our customers.

“Depending on our day, we usually go through our clients design boards and work through what we need to source or add to make the designs come together. We then organise appointments with our suppliers with these schemes in mind to source for. Every Monday is different as some times we are out in the country sourcing old pieces or in the city in a meeting.”

Lyn and Amanda

What’s the best thing about what you do?

“The best thing is, we are fantastic friends and every day is a wonderful and fun experience.

“We feel very lucky being able to do what we do and make peoples spaces beautiful – we love seeing our clients reaction to our big room reveals at the end of a job.”

The thing you love most about your job?

“The opportunity to work in so many diverse environments from home interiors to bars to little warehouse offices in the city!”

Some of the items we are lusting after.

Where do you find inspiration?

“We find inspiration everywhere…. the country, magazines, instagram, our clients, when we are out and about sourcing and through each other!”

Most inspiring store or space you’ve walked into?

“Of course we love our Gardener and Marks space! Locally, we love Gertrude and Smith Street in Fitzroy and the back streets of Melbourne with its cool bars. In the city of Melbourne, everything around us gives us ideas and inspiration.”

What is your most treasured item?

“My French hessian bed and my artworks,” says Amanda.

“I can’t pinpoint one single item,” says Lyn. “I collect mainly in groups… however I do love my portrait oil paintings from Parisian markets I have collected from my travels.”

Antiques or modern?

“We both love the mix of both every time.”

Current obsession?

“Stools, rugs and lighting.”

What are you looking forward to?

“We’re looking forward to completing our latest bar in Hobart, styling events in The Barn at Trentham Estate

And lots of travel!”

For more information visit: theestatetrentham.com.au

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