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Simply heartwarming: Shopping centre Santa Claus tells boy with Autism it’s OK to be who you are

This is the definition of Christmas magic.
Landon and Santa Claus

For most kids, meeting Santa at your local shopping centre is a rite of passage, but for Landon it meant so much more than that.

When eight-year-old Landon met Santa Claus he desperately wanted to tell him that he isn’t naughty like he is too often labelled, he just has autism.

After witnessing her son’s remarkable encounter with Santa, Naomi Johnson decided to share the story on social media, and in the name of the spirit of Christmas, it went viral.

“My child is amazing! He has his quirks and drives me bonkers, but he is amazing,” Naomi writes. “The other day he went to see Santa with the cousins. He said his piece to the old man in red and walked away.”

“While Aunt Brittany waited for pictures to print, he went back to Santa because he wanted to tell him that he has autism. He was flapping his hands, all excited to let Santa know that he has autism,” she continued.

And what that magical man with the beard did next will leave an impression on little Landon for the rest of his life.

“Santa sat him next to him and took L’s [Landon’s] hands in his and started rubbing them, calming them down. Santa asked L if it bothered him, having Autism? L said yes, sometimes.

“Then Santa told him it shouldn’t. It shouldn’t bother him to be who he is,” Naomi writes.

“L told Santa that sometimes he gets in trouble at school and it’s hard for people to understand that he has autism, and that he’s not a naughty boy,” she adds.

Santa realised that this eight-year-boy feared his name would be etched on Santa’s naughty list simply because he was misunderstood.

Landon and his mum Naomi.

“Santa told L to not worry and that he has been a very good boy being who he is. They sat, and chatted for at least 5 mins. Santa paid close attention and listened to him. This just melts this momma’s heart!

“My child is a great advocate for himself. But this day was different. He opened up to this person about who he was and he was accepted.”

Proud mum Naomi concluded her post with a poignant point.

“Mommy tells him all the time that he’s special and I love him the way he was made, but it’s always nice to hear it from others. To be told that it’s OKto be who he is.”

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